philosophy造句61, Her whole philosophy can be encapsulated in this one sentence.
62, Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
63, She did Philosophy and English literature and got a double first.
64, The philosophy of those long - hairs leans towards nihilism.
65, Jef Raskin had degrees in computer science and philosophy.
66, The great classics of political philosophy are utopian.
67, Carlin says he divorces philosophy from his religion.
68, He had become convinced that there were severe limits to philosophy.
69, In turn the profession would articulate philosophy and justify efforts and achievements with confidence to the wider community.
70, The idea of democracy played a critical role in Dewey's philosophy.
71, The philosophy behind this hotel, according to manager Sture Rydman, is hospitality for the discerning and appreciative.
72, A more subtle form of restriction is to proceed by a philosophy akin to that of apartheid.
73, Philosophy Philosophy deals systematically with questions that every reflective person asks from time to time.
74, After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
75, If this could be proved beyond doubt, direct drilling would fit in well with the organic philosophy.
76, However, the educational team took a more openly critical view of the community development process and the philosophy underlying it.
77, I had sat the finals for Philosophy in late May.
78, Newton had indeed been inspired by theories of sympathies and antipathies in alchemy and Hermetic philosophy.
79, His method is to distinguish philosophy, which he equates with experience, from the various modes of experience.
80, Conservative elements steeped in uniformitarian philosophy cannot be expected to welcome such a rude awakening.
81, A simple answer would be to establish a sociology / psychology / philosophy core for all pupils.
82, Casaubon was not alone in his criticisms of the new experimental philosophy for its atheistical tendencies.
83, More recently, philosophy has had very close links with mathematics and artificial intelligence.
84, The anti-Aristotelianism and the newly emerging concept of natural philosophy were, then, not private but public developments.
85, I started compiling an annotated bibliography of the philosophy of mind when I was a graduate student learning the ropes.
86, The second is to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
87, Reality is a much more tedious, recalcitrant beast than was ever dreamed of in Phil Redmond's philosophy for Brookside.
88, Even if we accept the underlying private enterprise philosophy of Making Belfast Work, some basic flaws exist.
89, I thought about this and came to the conclusion that it seemed a very good philosophy.
90, His philosophy is that we were seeded by an ancient civilization.