pursue造句121. It's a question that lawyers representing the two Hitachi employees wanted to pursue in open court.
122. He still wishes to pursue a medical career, and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school.
123. Maybe effrontery would dismiss him as too negligible to pursue.
124. All prisoners are urged to pursue educational and cultural activities.
125. Opportunities are also available for those who wish to pursue higher diplomas and degrees in a full-time or part-time capacity.
126. The agency began enforcement actions against 20 companies -- and vows to pursue, if necessary.
127. There is no space to detail further the model that I used to pursue the problem that I had set myself.
128. Furthermore, if firms pursue objectives other than profit maximisation then the picture becomes even less clear-cut.
129. He gives no money for the care of his son, and Aurora has abandoned plans to pursue child support.
130. A change in administrations following this years presidential election could affect how aggressively federal officials pursue the case.
131. Time allowed 06:25 Trail of destruction ... police pursue teenage joyrider across three counties.
132. Poor, lacking cohesion, she could not pursue a vigorous foreign policy.
133. It is a particularly relevant question for those of us who, each season, must find fitness to pursue our sports.
134. This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
135. Let us pursue the analogy between memes and genes further.
136. In the normal course of events, such agencies can be relied upon to pursue conscientiously the president's programme.
137. Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself.Sam Levenson
138. Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
139. As very few allow them to pursue day release courses, the main provision is on an evening basis.
140. Many students now choose to complete an apprenticeship and then pursue a university degree to improve their job prospects.
141. Get driven into your ambition, pursue your goals passionately and you will see your dreams come alive.Dr Roopleen
142. We would wish to pursue further the criminal frauds committed by Robert Maxwell and others associated with the Daily Mirror.
143. Hurd flew to the Gulf on Aug. 31 to pursue diplomatic contacts.
144. It must pursue policies in both its judicial and executive branches that uphold an international rule of law.
145. Two suspected murderers have had international arrest warrants issued against them and the Government's intention is to pursue those arrest warrants.
146. They were unable to pursue any line of inquiry which transgressed across the frontiers of authority of the intelligence organisations.
147. He decided to find out more about the branch manager opportunity, and eventually chose to pursue it.
148. The buy-out advances Nissan's supply chain restructuring and gives Vantec independence to pursue third party business aggressively.
149. The dialogue itself makes compulsive reading and there are many musical quotations and ideas to pursue.
150. Ashbee and his influential friends met or corresponded almost daily to pursue their tastes.