scrutiny造句91. A very important step was undoubtedly made, when the terms of the old metaphysic were subjected to scrutiny.
92. Seoul launched no effective counter-attack to the North Korean shelling of an island in the Yellow Sea, putting South Korea's military posture under intense scrutiny.
93. They will get a huge amount of grief overseas [if they come here] ... Is it really worth the risk of significant brand damage and regulatory and political scrutiny overseas to be an also-ran?
94. Starting from the pricing of capitalization-the basis of the behavior of the fictitious economy, the paper attempts a close scrutiny of the characteristics of the fictitious assets in real estate.
95. Even our Party and government consistently express willingness to be subject to public scrutiny, so why do the Beijing Olympics have all-encompassing authority?
96. I seriously doubt theirs contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny.
97. BlackBerry's nearly air-tight encryption has come under scrutiny in several overseas markets recently.
98. THERE isn't a player who is linked with any club these days who isn't first subjected to a seemingly endless scrutiny on message boards and radio phone-in shows.
99. With the practice of different types of constitutional rights cases, Germany has developed three-level theory when applies proportionality principle to scrutiny legislative facts of different cases.
100. Bill made a scrutiny into the cause of the phenomenon.
101. Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.
102. Objective: The view scrutiny is weary and the VDT ametropia characteristic, the discussion prevention treatment principle.
103. Proteomic analyses of blood and plasma have turned up protein biomarkers for diseases that have not survived closer scrutiny, says Nilsson.
104. Individual vitamins and minerals haven't fared much better under scientific scrutiny , with research debunking some of the reputed benefits of vitamin B6, calcium, niacin, and others.
105. The Kirchhoff theory has held up remarkably well under this kind of scrutiny.
106. Hence, the scrutiny of transcendental philosophy mainly focuses on the nature of consciousness.
107. The other, for the unsupervised use of those who have undergone such training, is still under scrutiny, but Dr Goffer hopes it will be cleared for sale by the end of the year.
108. While biotech and pharma deals are weakening due to tighter federal regulations and scrutiny of the sector, the biggest deal of the third quarter went to biotech firm Reata Pharamceuticals.
109. You have to make sure that the unit is assembled perfectly because it has to get past the lynx-eyed scrutiny of the inspection department.
110. However, after all, perfect person nearly inexistence , once individual is subjected to media scrutiny, will his reputation tend to be threaten.
111. To avoid legal scrutiny, Sullivan and Kilrain fought on a lumberman's estate just south of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, a rural location revealed only to partisans of the sport known as the Fancy.
112. Armour saw the word that a moment ago wrote carefully again, jubilate again suddenly: "Scrutiny the appearance of this word, resemble a hatbox clearly general, this certainly is ' box ' word."
113. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York again is facing scrutiny over stockholdings held by a senior official during the 2008 financial crisis.
114. She subjected her face to a minute scrutiny in the clear sunlight.
115. Some U.S. legislators are suggesting heightened scrutiny of America's nuclear energy program in the wake of Japan's crisis.
116. Detailed and public scrutiny and peer group pressure are the most we can hope for.
117. Your argument just won't stand up ( to close scrutiny ).
118. It challenges the Talmudic tradition, with its hyper-rational scrutiny of texts.
119. Google has come under heavy scrutiny lately in both the U.S. and Europe from regulators concerned about its growing industry dominance, especially in the search field.
120. Profiteering , say some. However, that accusation up to much scrutiny either.