bracket造句(31) Additionally, when you retire, you may be in a lower tax bracket.
(32) The break point for quality imaging is in the two mega pixel region now available in the entry level bracket.
(33) Nevertheless he steadied his aim and brought the bracket down on to the bung.
(34) Once the tribunal has decided that the bracket should contain certain elements, then everything said earlier would still apply.
(35) Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax, and taking too large a distribution could propel you into a higher tax bracket.
(36) The additional upstream footprint due to wild type RNA polymerase is indicated by the dashed bracket.
(37) We begin paying income tax at 25 percent once we move into the tax bracket.
(38) This is the income bracket that starts all the trouble and keeps a person on edge.
(39) With my head down I manoeuvred the metal ring over the iron hook which was attached to the wall bracket.
(40) It was Beatty's first movie and he was sprung from nowhere into the superstar bracket.
(41) Presumably, the student will have little other income, and therefore be in a low tax bracket.
(42) A second serial port and a games port socket is supplied on a separate bracket.
(43) The letter f is simply a shorthand for indicating that a furnished tenancy will be determined by the elements within the bracket.
(44) Two investors, both in 28 percent tax bracket, save $ 2, 000 annually at 8 percent.
(45) The remote oil filter pipes rubbed against the sharp edge of the battery bracket.
(46) The bracket shows the location of the seven amino acid insertion which is unique to the visceral isoform.
(47) They had lit a torch which was flaring and smoking in an iron bracket.
(48) Inside the bracket the symbol of the central atom is placed first.
(49) Collections in just about every price bracket offered interpretations of the equestrian or dandy themes.
(50) Several companies have produced pension plans specifically for people in the higher income tax bracket.
(51) He's in the right age bracket, forty-five, and from his responses today he would seem to be sexually maladjusted.
(52) Together, that amounts to an annual tax saving of up to £1,000, compared to cars in a higher tax bracket.
(53) Name the ethnicity, tax bracket or wardrobe, and they were there in full force.
(54) The other is a piece of reef shaped like a fungal bracket of concentric rings, or perhaps like a footprint cast.
(55) Mistakes concerning elements within the bracket are however regarded differently, being non-jurisdictional at most.
(56) Again it came as no surprise that the winners were in all the higher price bracket.
(57) Now secure the plumbline to this bracket and pass the end through the outlet so that the line is taut.
(58) But once you look at the £10 to £15 bracket, high street champagne is definitely a good deal more impressive.
(59) We offer group tours for single people in the 40-50 age bracket.
(60) If that's out of your price bracket ... there's always pork scratchings at 30 pence a bag.