preferable造句61. This is why registration in Part A is preferable although it is the defendant who carries the burden of proof.
62. Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps.
63. The first is that it is usually preferable to make each objective refer to only one learning outcome.
64. It may be preferable to keep the puppy in a suitable pen while it is teething when you are away from home.
65. From upwards its tone becomes thin and rather unsatisfactory, the flute being far preferable at that altitude.
66. Equally, a crude general rule condemning all acts of killing is preferable to any other possible rule.
67. Smaller, more discreet means of cleaning up are preferable when you are out for a walk.
68. However, it is far preferable for companies to utilise the professional services of a company such as Rentokil Tropical Plants.
69. Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.
70. It was suggested that under the circumstances civil proceedings might have been preferable to a court martial.
71. For lots of blooms, full sun is always preferable, but echinacea will take half sun and half shade.
72. The poll dramatically demonstrates that gaining access to reference and government information and educational courses is preferable to entertainment services.
73. This was not an attractive proposition, but my idea of womanhood was hardly preferable.
74. It gives a better account of all the relevant facts, and is thus the preferable hypothesis.
75. So we're agreed. Our preferable course of action is to do nothing until the report is published.
76. In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.
77. In the majority of cases it is preferable that there should be service of the application upon the other side.
78. Even to some one as straight as myself, the bearded gentleman is preferable to Anneka Rice or Judith Chalmers.
79. There's no doubt that brushed chrome and quality buttons are preferable to ill-fitting plastic.
80. Some say efficient incineration is preferable to landfill as it can generate heat and electricity.
81. Raw garlic is said to be preferable to kill bacteria and boost immune functioning.
82. Jackson, who opposes the welfare overhaul,[www.] says Clinton is far preferable to Dole.
83. The lexical look-up technique is preferable to statistical methods since it does not have a built-in error rate and guarantees lexical output.
84. It was thought preferable for the schoolmaster and schoolmistress to be man and wife.
85. The principles underlying the formula for GRE seem preferable in this respect.
86. For many applications, mathematical modelling is actually proving preferable to physical experimentation.
87. This is true of many biological processes and no one level is intrinsically preferable to another.
88. The most preferable arrangement would be for us to pay very low interest over a long period of time.
89. An objective physiological measurement is therefore preferable to asking people how they feel.
90. In this section attention turns to the question of which source of finance is preferable for a local authority.