amend造句1. The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.
2. MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster.
3. The teacher advised him to amend his way of living.
4. Parliament will vote to amend the constitution.
5. Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.
6. They amend him to death.
7. You must amend your pronunciation.
8. A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the club's constitution.
9. The second approach is to amend civil procedure.
10. We have given him every opportunity to amend his statements in light of more recent proceedings.
11. The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create, amend or repeal law, thereby giving effect to the intentions of Parliament.
12. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., that would amend the 1934 act in their favor.
13. No one expects the petition to amend the indenture to Barnes' will to get a court hearing before June.
14. It is almost impossible to amend the bill and remove the provision at this late stage, lawmakers say.
15. Please amend the declaration on your Application if you wish to see any report before it is sent to us.
16. Also, it will enable you to amend your plan more easily in the air when actual conditions may differ.
17. We will amend the plan from this end when we pull it all together.
18. I've knocked out a first draft of the report which we can amend at a later date.
19. If the original statement requires correction it is presumably necessary to seek leave to amend although the rules are silent on this.
20. Legislators are the elected officials who pass laws or amend existing ones in order to remedy problems or to promote certain activities.
21. Under general treaty law and the law on State responsibility, States can amend or terminate treaties which provide rights for individuals.
22. The Lords quite freely use their modest powers to scrutinise and amend non-financial bills sent to them by Tories in the Commons.
23. But the assembly also has the power - never used - to amend the constitution.
24. The book begins to date immediately as new drugs come out and as the authorities amend the list of banned substances from time to time.
25. Not surprisingly, there was enormous backbench pressure on the leadership either to amend the poll tax or to cushion its impact.
26. For example, the firm can implement its own quality and inspection policies and amend these as they see fit.
27. To prevent such a thing from happening again, Dole and the others want to amend the U. S. Constitution.
28. That is bad law, which will lead to miscarriages of justice, and we shall seek to amend it.
29. Henry Hyde of Illinois, who are wary of any attempts to amend the Constitution.
30. First he had forborne them, and then he had punished, but still there was no amend.