快好知 kuaihz

1. The woods have an aura of mystery. 2. He exuded an aura of wealth and power. 3. The mountains have a magical aura. 4. He had an aura of invincibility. 5. She always has an aura of confidence. 6. The sunlight created an aura of beauty around her. 7. The building retains an aura of mystery . 8. There's an aura of sadness about him. 9. She had an aura of authority. 10. There was always a faint aura of mystery about him. 11. She always seems to have an aura of happiness about her. 12. The picture seemed to take on the aura of an ancient work of art. 13. It gives them the illusion of divine aura. 14. It's built round itself an aura of godlike objectivity. 15. A spark, a swagger, an aura of confidence. 16. Plus hustling l aura Smolensky is not cheap. 17. There was an aura of masculine occupation - neat, but unmistakably masculine. 18. Casting an aura of health around the reduced sugar sector has been key in the creation of new brands and variants. 19. The excitement, celebrities and aura are attracting tourists and locals alike, said day manager Lorna Sandoval. 20. They formed a small aura of light, leaving both ends of the room in total darkness. 21. Muddy colours in the aura indicate negative emotions or ill health; clear colours are generally a positive sign. 22. An aura of holiness and specialness also surrounds stories of the birth and early childhood of psychoanalyst and family therapist Craig Fouassis. 23. Each shape was encircled with a gray aura that was an after image of the sunlight outside. 24. The atmosphere is subdued and clannish, like the aura inside an exclusive club. 25. Almost all of Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism. 26. Lynsey wasn't to know that, and Courtney's boast added to his aura of respectability. 27. They've scoured their record collections for their favourite chic embellishments soas to enhance the luxury commodity aura of their product. 28. Family graves may occasionally receive a visit by a lone person shouldering a glum aura. 29. Moving towards him, hand outstretched, she gave off an aura of vigor and physical well-being. 30. Scraps of life attend the motionless mass who, Reynard concedes, radiates a certain aura of power.