快好知 kuaihz

(181) The muscles in his face suddenly tautened. (182) Suddenly the eagle opened its wings. (183) As he shouted his order he spurred the horse forward suddenly. (184) Suddenly the alarm sounded and they all had to leave the building. (185) Suddenly a steamer hove in sight. The captain immediately gave an order to send out a signal for rescue. (186) As if by magic the waiter suddenly appeared with a tray of drinks. (187) The hunter had to feign death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him. (188) The bang came suddenly, echoing across the buildings, shattering glass. (189) After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows. (190) The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register. (191) It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong. (192) As he watched the TV drama, he suddenly realized he'd seen it before. (193) He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear. (194) Suddenly the lights went out, and the house was left in pitch darkness. (195) Before leaving the school he recollected himself suddenly and returned the borrowed books to the library. (196) The news came out that king and queen suddenly fell ill. (197) Suddenly everything clicked and I realized where I'd met him. (198) He suddenly found that his income had been chopped in half. (199) The cart stopped suddenly, tipping its load off in the middle of the road. (200) She suddenly caught sight of the look on her mother's face. (201) The phrase 'born again' is used metaphorically to mean that someone has suddenly become very religious. (202) Huge election posters suddenly went up all over the town. (203) Suddenly he looked tired and there were deep furrows in his brow. (204) We didn't reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly. (205) Sorry to get you out at this late hour,doctor,but Mother became suddenly ill in the middle of the night. (206) He suddenly leapt up and made a break for the door. (207) When I got back to the window, I suddenly found the ladder was stolen away. (208) Her father died suddenly in an accident when she was only ten. (209) The buzzer suddenly responded in a long blast of sound. (210) He was suddenly overcome with remorse for the harm he had done.