快好知 kuaihz

1) He suffered an attack of malaria and was delirious. 2) He's so delirious he doesn't know where he is. 3) I was delirious and blacked out several times. 4) He was delirious, murmuring about his childhood. 5) He was delirious with joy. 6) The children were delirious as they opened the parcels. 7) He became delirious and couldn't recognize people. 8) She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. 9) He was delirious, murmuring about that matter. 10) She had a high temperature and was delirious. 11) The crowds were delirious with joy. 12) By the time she was rescued, she was delirious with cold and fear. 13) One patient was delirious with a high fever. 14) It's a collage of delirious sound things you understand. 15) Oh, heavens, she was going delirious with this ankle. 16) I was delirious with joy. 17) They may be delirious with constant talking and mania. 18) And the delirious thrill of release as that bottle detonated against the wall had been terrifying in its power. 19) The crowd howled, delirious. 20) It may be a delirious hope, but you force yourself to rest your arms on your chest, crossed and pulsing. 21) The drunken sailors won comfortably and the delirious home support cheered Johnstone's every move. 22) Maybe he was ill - delirious with some sort of tropical disease? 23) More than 100,000 delirious members of the Clinton fan club turned out on the streets. 24) Evidently terrified out of her wits, she had become delirious, mumbling incomprehensibly, her hands rubbing her stomach. 25) I tried to rub him down with a wet towel, but he was delirious and hardly knew me. 26) David O'Neill, a consultant physician, said that Mr Robinson had been in an agitated and delirious state. 27) Several days later, the vomiting and diarrhea started. On Friday, Feb. 7, Lucky became delirious. 28) There is a sudden scuffle as one of the dancers collapses, delirious on to the stone floor. 29) From that jumping-off point, the plot hits hairpin turns, sudden cliff drops and delirious loops of logic and technology. 30) And they all jump on me from great heights till corns on my hand seem like the fringe benefits of delirious joy.