incense造句31. Meanwhile, a different and much more widespread tradition of timekeeping survived involving the use of fire and incense.
32. The alchemist would burn incense and douse himself in specially prepared perfumes before carrying out his experiments.
33. Not quite Eton or Harrow with incense thrown in, but close to it.
34. He could smell above the all-pervading redolence of incense, the faint acrid smoke of the candle.
35. Incense sticks held in an old condensed-milk can burned a constant red glow.
36. Exotic scent mingled with the more religious smells of incense, furniture polish and veneration.
37. The three incense sticks stuck in a howl of rice were burning steadily to their bones.
38. Imagine just inside the entrance to the Hall of Justice a head shop with burning incense and cops dressed as hippies.
39. Sophia could imagine them in cassocks, doing something with candles or incense.
40. The performers lit incense and asked for blessings, though blankets might have been preferable.
41. Our nostrils smelled wet grass, human sweat, kerosene, incense, charred flesh.
42. Church services too became more elaborate and ornamental with the lavish use of incense and ever richer vestments.
43. Outerborough kids and tour groups throng the streets to buy shoes and incense, but not $ 35, 000 sculptures.
44. Candles flickered, incense burned in an unsuccessful attempt to cover the pungent smell of marijuana.
45. Selma arrived escorting two braziers, one to keep the coffee pots hot and another for hot coals for the incense pots.
46. Some people like to burn incense and kowtow to the book.
47. The black clothes, the gilt, the icons and the burning incense evoke the paintings of Goya.
48. Above them, a small incense burner gives off a languid and heavy, musky scent.
49. Into this great space filled with music and incense and drugs, this great huge warehouse with pineapples and bananas.
50. Now there are many mourners, who burn incense and cry out accusations.
51. Meditation does not demand sitting cross-legged amidst candles and burning incense, muttering weird incantations.
52. Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense, its ritual, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
53. Spices had many uses - in good preparation and the manufacture of incense and cosmetics.
54. Bongwater's Ann Magnuson carries the incandescent incense stick for the even.
55. Catholic liturgies, particularly before the Second Vatican Council, were sensual feasts, complete with incense, candles and bells.
56. Inside, in a room reeking of incense, are people eating.
57. The wet wind blew out the flame, allowing it to smolder and smoke, releasing incense.
58. He'd started burning incense to disguise the unmistakable odour of marijuana coming from his bedroom.
59. He decided to return to Santa Cruz to start again, focusing on his incense.
60. The breeze from the Arabian Sea carries the jasmine scent mingled with sandalwood incense.