快好知 kuaihz

61. You can cross the river by ferry. 62. Here the stream widens into a river. 63. The river flowed to the east. 64. The river is 300 miles in length. 65. They built their own dream house overlooking the river. 66. The Yellow River rolls on day and night. 67. The flooded river carried trees along. 68. The river marks the eastern perimeter of our land. 69. Two children drowned after falling into the river. 70. A cold wind blew across the river. 71. My hat blew into the river yesterday. 72. The river divides into two streams at this point. 73. Do you know why the river narrows here? 74. You can see the picturesque shores beside the river. 75. The Yangtze River rolls on eastwards. 76. Their boat drifted down the river. 77. They were canoeing in the river. 78. They fouled the river by throwing in garbage. 79. The boys pitched a tent by the river. 80. She pitched the stone into the river. 81. The river is the boundary between the two countries. 82. The river pours into the sea. 83. How long is the River Nile? 84. His motorboat hurtled along the river. 85. The light bounced off the river and dazzled her. 86. Wild flowers adorned the river bank. 87. We went for a walk along the river. 88. We followed the serpentine course of the river. 89. Walk straight ahead until you reach the river. 90. We dived into the river to cool off.