seventy造句(121) I saw a red ornamented title - ' Seventy Times Seven, the First of the Seventy-First.
(122) The price is four hundred forty dollars compared to one hundred seventy, or less, for a traditional cycle rickshaw.
(123) The average school here used to be one hundred seventy days.
(124) Methods One hundred seventy cirrhotic patients without HCC under going transhepatic artery self bone marrow stem cell transplantation were taken liver arterial DSA together with 165 CT data.
(125) Each silver plate weighed a hundred and thirty shekels, and each sprinkling bowl seventy shekels.
(126) The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that poor countries will spend up to one hundred seventy billion dollars this year to import food.
(127) There is an unpaid bill of seventy - five dollars and some cents.
(128) In nineteen eighty-eight, a bomb blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Two hundred seventy people died, including many Americans.
(129) Laplace, the astronomer , was still at work when death caught up with him at seventy - eight.
(130) Within just one day, the plague killed seventy thousand people, but with the atonement made by the offerings and the intercessory prayers of David, the Lord stayed the hand of the death angel.
(131) He died at the age of seventy - eight .
(132) The drinks in this vending machine each cost seventy - five cents.
(133) Seventy six cases had assosiated anomalies , consisting mainly of cryptorchidism , hernia , bifid scrotum, and intersex.
(134) The pastry cook, though over seventy , decorates cakes with superB skill.
(135) For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way.
(136) He was seventy years old. The youngest man was from South Carolina, Edward Rutledge; he was twenty-six years old.
(137) They gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, and Abimelech used it to hire reckless adventurers, who became his followers.
(138) Dairies face strict air quality requirements. And David Albers says the system reduces emissions by seventy percent.
(139) ERICH ORIGEN: "His ideas infect others, eliminate him immediately! Then backdate a charge on his credit card and raise his APR by seventy percent!"
(140) The account holder must start withdrawals by age seventy and one - half or there also are fines.
(141) They also gave him seventy silver shekels from the temple of Baal of Berith, with which Abimelech hired shiftless men and ruffians as his followers.
(142) Doctor Spock received about seventy - five thousand votes in the election that Richard Nixon won.
(143) Thirty thousand Confederate soldiers were now out of the war. Sixty thousand guns and one hundred seventy cannon were now in Union hands.
(144) At the ponds treated only with sweet-smelling bait, Professor Schlein says, more than seventy five percent of mosquitoes fed on the false bait.
(145) Edmund Paramor was a medium - sized and upright man of seventy, whose brown face was perfectly clean - shaven.
(146) Gladstone took up a new language when he was seventy.
(147) Seventy or eighty years after Sima, there was another famous writer, whose name was Yang Xiong.
(148) This is the meaning of forgive until seventy times seven.
(149) My diseases are an asthma and a dropout and, what is less curable , seventy - five .
(150) The flight deck is over two hundred and seventy meters long.