concentrate on造句121. Professional employees should concentrate on working relationships and attempt to stay away from a critical analysis of personalities.
122. The administrative burden would be lifted from local government; it would then be able to concentrate on the job in hand.
123. We could then concentrate on mentioning ETA in our publicity.
124. If nothing else flexible response as adopted in December 1967 had caused the planners to concentrate on actual rather than target forces.
125. Chapter 8 takes up another theme from chapter 6: why managerial strategies concentrate on particular issues rather than others.
126. This unanimity encouraged local leaders to abstain from political initiatives and to concentrate on local and day-to-day issues.
127. Turn off the TV, so you can concentrate on your homework.
128. The report also criticised the current boom in real-life crime re-enactments, which again tend to concentrate on the most violent crimes.
129. By trying to concentrate on what she thought of as the negative parts of his personality she would protect her own weakness.
130. Once the tune comes fairly accurately, the teacher can concentrate on meaning, bringing out the basic elements of the situation.
131. The invited press corps kept its distance from Holden, leaving him in peace to concentrate on his performance.
132. New chairman David Mahony said it has been decided to concentrate on its electrical and electronic businesses.
133. Don't at this stage put any effort into deciding what you learned - just concentrate on describing what actually happened.
134. The developer, Marlin Estates, spent £19m on Wisley and decided to steer clear of ancillary activities and concentrate on golf.
135. Care done right frees a working parent from worry and allows the parent to concentrate on business.
136. She lay watching his face as he tried to concentrate on the complexities of the novel.
137. However, a solicitor is unlikely to be able to concentrate on advocacy as a barrister can.
138. They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
139. The drawing elements of the program are vector-based, and concentrate on shapes, including boxes, polygons and ellipses.
140. The division was sold to allow the company to concentrate on its retail operations.
141. Just concentrate on your work and leave the love business to me.
142. On average, the human mind cannot concentrate on spoken information for more than six minutes without a break.
143. Historically, we tended to concentrate on high volume products and maximum utilisation of capacity.
144. These examinations are probably a poor instrument for measuring the quality of medical education because they concentrate on factual retention.
145. But he'd become depressed about his exams and couldn't concentrate on his work.
146. After the triumph, we will have to concentrate on educational work so that women are at last in a position to express demands.
147. We shall concentrate on the product market, then shift our attention later in the chapter to the resource market.
148. With home shopping out of the way, Pitcher will be able to concentrate on the football pools and high street retailing.
149. Let's concentrate on the wedding and set aside minor matters like setting up home together, buying furniture and the honeymoon.
150. Today we will concentrate on the inside hook, the digger.