快好知 kuaihz

31. Dry mucous membranes; dry or coated tongue with a red triangular tip. Cold drinks can bring on chilliness or cough. 32. Between the curving cross-spars, the sail adopts a vee form not unlike that on a Malay or triangular kite. 33. The triangular mesh vent on the inner roof let a small spray of rain in but not enough to really worry about. 34. The dorsal arm plates are triangular to fan shaped; the first 2-3 dorsal arm plates may be contiguous. 35. The old-fashioned clothes horse offered to children with a blanket and some clothes pegs lets them explore triangular three-dimensional shapes. 36. Each of these 3D pictures is painted over a series of triangular strips of wood, glued vertically. 37. The squarish wings, as opposed to the swept, triangular variety, suggests A-10s or 37 fighter-trainers. 38. The burning building behind him settled, and a triangular slice of wall slid out of place. 39. Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds. 40. Grayling has now tried a number of different shapes of dining table, including circular and triangular in varying sizes. 41. This charcoal cartoon was completed with a large stick of scene painter's charcoal and Maimeri triangular charcoal. 42. The green itself was triangular, with the church of St Andrew standing at the southerly point. 43. His view of the Seine provides an evocative setting for her tale of triangular love. 44. The fingerboard is rosewood, with 22 chunky-ish frets and triangular, plastic position markers. 45. The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped to rounded triangular and contiguous proximally. 46. Near the top, on the right-hand side, we see a very impressive wrought-iron balcony which is triangular in shape. 47. Purple red gold black silk, tied so that they had a slightly triangular shape lending the faces beneath a Pharaonic cast. 48. Lifting up its small triangular head, the viper licked the air as if to write some-thing with its forked tongue. 49. Two quite small triangular windows were provided that angled back into the cabin. 50. Another looked like a triangular knife at the end of a long stick. 51. The horizon was speckled with the triangular sails of literally hundreds of sailing rafts. 53. On the night stand was a translucent orb atop a triangular clock. 54. Resting against the corner of the building was a large triangular boulder. 55. Three young men in cutoffs had colonized a triangular space and were flipping a Frisbee. 56. The oral shield is rounded triangular, often with a very slight distal lobe. 57. He has a triangular version of Rupert's stylised muzzle with the same pricked ears and bright black-button eyes. 58. The radial shields are triangular to tear-drop shaped, just over a quarter the disk radius in length. 59. That was the first leg of the triangular trade. 60. The irregular triangular net will transform coordinates.