快好知 kuaihz

31, Neither abstinence from drugs nor blind adherence to unjust laws are necessarily consistent with those values. 32, If not, client and therapist can then together consider a goal of total abstinence. 33, Age of starting smoking, cigarettes per day and years of abstinence, and regular alcohol intake. 34, Then collaborate with the client in choosing a treatment approach with a goal of abstinence. 35, As a public man and staunch Congregationalist he was active in social reform, notably in promoting total abstinence. 36, The third floor was a no-smoking floor or I think I might have started smoking again after six years' abstinence. 37, Paul permits temporary abstinence also but only by mutual agreement. 38, I should know by now that heavy drinkers are awfully fond of high-flown rationalisations for any brief spell of abstinence. 39, In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice. 40, He abruptly stopped drinking when one of these women suggested that his performance in bed might be improved by abstinence. 41, He practised total abstinence for a month. 42, The engagement lasted four years, an ordeal of abstinence. 43, Abstinence from alcoholic drinks is advisable. 44, Both abstinence and sterilization can be enforced or voluntary. 45, Abstinence provides freedom to enjoy being a young person. 46, Two day's abstinence had set it burning in fury. 47, Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of doxepin in a small dose on opioid protracted abstinence symptoms. 48, MMPI tests indicated the personality abnormality in prisoners , especially in the objects of on abstinence. 49, Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows. 50, Abstinence can also save your teen some emotional stress if his or her relationship ends. Remind your teen that there are many nonsexual ways he or she can show feelings for someone. 51, Abstinence 2. To comply with sexual morality, have tried to stay, to maintain specificity of sexual partners 3. Should insist on the proper use of condoms. 52, To observe the clinical expression of the furazolidone aversion therapy of abstinence, to study enhancing the nursing intervention on abstinence. 53, The abstinence commitment can improve communication between couples, she suggests. 54, In the temperance question, Mr White takes his stand on total abstinence. 54,try its best to collect and build good sentences. 55, To many, total abstinence is easier than total moderation ( Saint Augustine ). 56, Most treatment programs are modeled on Alcoholics Anonymous, but rather than pushing cold-turkey abstinence, they advocate something called “sexual sobriety. 57, But the end to gruelling daylight abstinence and excessive night - time revelry is not the only relief. 58, The figure of devil represents abstinence and the various rites of the gathering of wizards, self-indulgence. 59, Objective: To observe the clinical expression of the furazolidone aversion therapy of abstinence , to study enhancing the nursing intervention on abstinence . 60, The rule does not encourage self-sacrifice or financial abstinence. It doesn't mean pay yourself first and starve.