快好知 kuaihz

1. They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement. 2. His lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting. 3. Some people can be very pedantic about punctuation. 4. He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic. 5. Her book is informative and scholarly, but never pedantic. 6. Marriage, that desiccated, pedantic, self-satisfied prude. 7. D'Arquebus Senior's pedantic excuses made no sense. 8. To commonplace actions he brought a special pedantic awkwardness. 9. The papers wre stacked with pedantic neatness on his desk. 10. Pedantic people are prone to do this with minor typing errors or spelling mistakes. 11. It has cloaked it in pedantic, complicated, incomprehensible language which is also quite inappropriate. 12. Yet in his exacting, almost pedantic manner, he was convinced that it would happen. 13. Is this a pedantic inconsistency, or does it reflect something more consequential? 14. Don't be so pedantic - does it really matter if I don't pronounce it right? 15. In the discussion he often seemed petty and pedantic. 16. Great books are popular , not pedantic. 17. One who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner. 18. People think it more pedantic than practicable. 18. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 19. Our treatment is rigorous without being pedantic. 20. Well, let me be a little pedantic ( in the name of science ). 21. It demonstrates that more can be achieved by bringing together a mass of illustration than many a pedantic thesis. 22. But trying to find an exact replica of the Virginia garden would be a pedantic exercise. 23. He seemed to display a certain insensitivity in these cases - an impression enhanced by his somewhat pedantic way of speech. 24. The dogmatic resistance to entrenchment would raise its arid and pedantic head. 25. But it's in everyone's interest to ensure that any new test is not unnecessarily time-consuming, expensive and pedantic. 26. Correct punctuation is neither an irrelevant luxury nor a pedantic affectation: it conveys and alters exact meaning. 27. As is clear from the above, Giddens's querying of Freud is more than a pedantic concentration on sloppy terminology. 28. These are biographers who are imposingly erudite but never pedantic. 29. The booklet that accompanies the CD is informative and scholarly, without being pedantic. 30. Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain.