快好知 kuaihz

1. She gazed upon him in bewilderment. 2. Irena shook her head, but in bewilderment, not negation. 3. He shook his head in bewilderment. 4. She looked at him in bewilderment. 5. His expression changed from bewilderment to horror as he realized what had happened. 6. He wrote out his rage and bewilderment, which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding. 7. She was gazing at Pike in bewilderment. 8. Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.Rumi 9. It is unknown territory leading to confusion and bewilderment. 10. I stood staring at them in utter bewilderment. 11. I looked up, in alarm, bewilderment, in terror. 12. I gazed about in some bewilderment. 13. Such comments reflected as much bewilderment as paranoia. 14. He rushed ahead and looked around in bewilderment. 15. She turned it over in bewilderment. 16. Dinah was still weeping in bewilderment. 17. Shiona frowned at the phone in total bewilderment. 18. His head tilted to the side in amused bewilderment. 19. She contrived a look of bewilderment, bordering on wounded pride. 20. I can only reduce the painful uncertainty and bewilderment of those first few days by learning relevant information quickly. 21. Those chords of searching bewilderment in the finale were timed to a microsecond and projected an awesome tingle of fear. 22. She accepted the news of war with bewilderment and sadness; feelings she soon learned to keep to herself. 23. As he walked through the door, she stared at him in utter bewilderment. 24. These young girls, who often travelled long distances to their first position, frequently endured agonies of loneliness and bewilderment. 25. In his corner Joseph found himself grappling with an overwhelming sense of bewilderment. 26. She was awake now, and looking about her in bewilderment. 27. The local culture they fitfully encountered was a source of bewilderment, even revulsion. 28. He saw her eyes grow huge, saw their softness replaced with bewilderment and something which wrenched at his heart. 29. Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.Fyodor Dostoyevsky 30. She didn't want to trouble the penguin with the bewilderment in her eyes.