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(61) In order to make application development get rid of bottom hardware restriction, and to invoke hardware device through a general interface, device interface is defined in SCA system. (62) Let's say you want to invoke a certain number of one-way services that each invoke a one-way operation as call-back. (63) Green poison, invoke the sorcery of green fatal poisonous gas. (64) The 250g, rectangular coffee tin features a glittery gold and silver star pattern, designed to invoke the magic of Christmas. (65) When you choose compensable, you can invoke compensation handlers for the scope. (66) However, a service coordinator (a.k.a. orchestrator or choreographer) may want to invoke multiple services in a single transaction (ideally through a specified interaction like WS-AtomicTransactions). (67) In LR parsing, before a symbol is recognized, it is difficult to invoke the semantic action associated with the symbol. (68) Leviticus 20:13 that proscribes the death penalty for same-sex relations is quite related to codes that condemn bestiality, invoke dietary restrictions, and order the wearing of certain fibers. (69) At any time during the call, the customer may click the "cancel" button to invoke the "cancelCall" or "endCall" operation to cancel or terminate the call identifier respectively. (70) The same goes for carols referring to Virgin Birth and lullabies that invoke the Baby Jesus. (71) You could argue that to invoke Sputnik is merely to say that America needs to wake up and take remedial action. (72) Secure device manufacture: invoke anti-cloning measures and prevent misuse of keying material at manufacture. (73) Because of interservice communication, one public API-layer update method can invoke another public API-layer update method. (74) Finally, after constructing the HttpRequest, you invoke its enqueue method. (75) Windows users invoke the pznload.bat file; UNIX system users use pznload.sh. (76) According to Whitehouse, they are all classic examples of rituals that invoke episodic memory - creating personally significant events that are imprinted into the initiate's mind. (77) The security-identity element specifies the security identity to be used to invoke methods in SimpleSessionBean. (78) Clouds are a powerful Logo, conjuring imagery of dreams, creativity and playfulness. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess . (79) To run an application stored in a non-executable JAR, you have to add it to your class path and invoke the application's main class by name. (80) If you go the cfrubyscript way, there will already be a global user manager object available as $user, which can be directly used to invoke the methods. (80) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! (81) BEIJING (Reuters) - When Barack Obama tackles China on its trade surplus, as surely he will, Beijing will be tempted to invoke the actress Greta Garbo: "I want to be left alone." (82) Alternatively, even if the Democrats do not earn 60 seats, on certain topics they may be able to invoke cloture with the help of some moderate Republicans. (83) On the other hand, you can express You through a memorized movement in much the same way I can invoke and express emotion through the reading of Shakespeare. (84) The standard technique is to invoke nationalism as a conduit for dissatisfaction. (85) The randomistas, for example, often invoke behavioural explanations for their experimental results. (86) You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword. (87) He has even had the temerity to invoke the names of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X in defence of his actions. (88) As you'll recall, when you invoke the run method on an instance of Parallel, it creates (n-1) threads to run the first (n-1) CSProcess instances and runs the last CSProcess instance on its own thread. (89) Next the authors attempted to activate the latent stem cells in vivo, using pilocarpine to invoke seizures, and thus hippocampal synaptic activity, in mice. (90) Nevertheless, LinZexu's translation and application of the Law of Nations in dealing international disputes blazed the trail for Qing government to invoke international laws in foreign affairs.