快好知 kuaihz

91, The statistics were received with concern. 92, Issues like food additives do concern me. 93, She could sense his concern and it touched her. 94, Our concern only makes shoes for children. 95, It doesn't concern me at all. 96, There is general concern about rising crime rates. 97, Some manifestation of your concern would have been appreciated. 98, Education remains the electorate's main concern. 99, His voice filled with fatherly concern. 100, There is a concern about replenish-ment of the population. 101, The restaurant is a family concern. 102, The technical aspects were the concern of the Army. 103, Concern for her family deflected her from her work. 104, Continued fighting in the city is causing great concern. 105, She was appreciative of Greg's concern for her health. 106, Can't you nose into things that don't concern you? 107, He's never given me any cause for concern. 108, Our losses are beginning to concern me. 109, He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress. 110, There's no need for you to concern yourself with what happened. 111, There is no need for you to concern yourself about where I was last night. 112, We will stand tall and fight for issues of concern to our community. 113, He had only gone along out of concern for his two grandsons. 114, She forgot her own worries in her concern for him. 115, We will continue to run the company as a going concern . 116, The government's major concern is with preventing accidents on the roads. 117, She always has to stick her nose into matters that do not concern her. 118, He shows a singular lack of concern for other people's feelings. 119, The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease. 120, The meeting expressed concern that the problem had still not been addressed.