examining造句61 It is worth examining briefly some of the possible explanations for this emphasis on remedial law.
62 One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
63 Dietz, who once spent three days examining Wisconsin cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, has never talked with Davis.
64 Some theological and historical background is necessary before examining the present acclamations of the Roman mass.
65 Second, the title suggests an assessment of multimedia spanning the decade, examining developments as far ahead as the year 2000.
66 Army bomb disposal experts from Catterick military base in north Yorkshire are examining debris from both devices.
67 Examining Spenser and Ireland, therefore, raises more questions about relations between literary texts and historical contexts than it resolves.
68 The police stated that they were examining the evidence to determine whether to file obstruction-of-justice charges against members of the Kennedy household.
69 Thus it is arguable that the traditions of the Comptroller's Department do not fit the task of examining commercial accounts.
70 Police are tonight examining a balaclava which was found near the scene.
71 The matrix enables links to the awards of other examining bodies to be established.
72 In this article, we analyze how device control works in both operating systems, examining everything from architecture to system calls and focusing on the differences.
73 Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of SPECT rCBF imaging in examining patients with olivopontocerebellar atrophy(OPCA).
74 This study was aimed at investigating the exhibition of aggressive driving behavior of automobile driver in China, and examining the demographic factors relating to aggressive driving.
75 The description of goods should be sufficiently detailed to enable the goods to be identified by the customs officer examining them at port of importation.
76 Examining the insides of new voting machines still reveals many physical security faults.
77 The function of the middle school Chinese textbook pictures has also been covered to illustrate the necessity of the picture editing and examining management as to the middle school Chinese textbooks.
78 Businesses will test products and product releases and forecast markets. Engineers will test designs, from bridges to skyscrapers, by examining lifesize projections.
79 With trace statements you can avoid the difficult task of examining the original source code, modifying it, recompiling, and attempting to produce the run-time error within the debugging environment.
80 Examining the software engineering background of our discussion, you have seen the reasons for demanding a better approach to modular design: reusability and extendibility.
81 This funster is examining this canvas silent as the gravely.
82 By examining the original vouchers, the accounting evidence for embezzlement can be collected to reveal and prove the crime.
83 The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where a scientist is examining it, is called an oarfish .
84 A new designed sterioscopic examining instrument-red-green anaglyph sterioscopic micrometer-is introduced in this paper.
85 Let's try a deep match, examining the contents of objects in our pattern match.
86 The model also can include revenue attributes, which enables the evaluation of profitability or even break-even analysis when examining the impact of a new version of a process.
87 submitting it, and examining the job output, as shown in Listing 26. Job submission is performed as a non-privileged user.
88 In examining our hypothetical Farm One environment, we've discovered that the database of the primary application is no longer accessed nearly as often or as intensely as it once was.
89 You can verify this by examining the db2look mimic, or querying the CARD column of SYSSTAT.TABLES.
90 The thin layer chromatographic method was deter-mined to be the examining method for the related substances of encainide HCI.