dimensions造句181. Group of product innovation sex, user is enough dimensions of big, market can develop continuously.
182. The mature eel has not been discovered, it could possibly come in sea serpent dimensions.
183. Scientists will be looking for evidence of "supersymmetry" - a theory in which existing elementary particles are paired with a massive "shadow" partner - and extra dimensions.
184. Vibratory compactability of dry sand in full mold foundry has been researched by experiments on effective factors such as vibratory direction, dimensions, frequency, acceleration and dry sand sorts.
185. The evaluation criteria are referred to as measures (a numeric attribute of a fact), and what is being analyzed is referred to as dimensions (a description attribute of a fact).
186. All dimensions specified are approximations only. Unless stated otherwise, the least significant digit is uncertain by plus or minus one unit.
187. It'said the project will'push envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions.
188. Ensure that one of the property parameters specifies an array with the same rank (number of dimensions) and element data type.
189. By the way of improving roller dimensions, roller number, outer roller path diameter , stop groove diameter and the effective thickness , the using reliability of the bearing is advanced.
190. This study described the quantitative simulation of exciting conduction velocity affection on cardiac rhythm with three dimensions realistic torso-heart geometry models.
191. The feasible way to reduce the dimensions of an oxygen plant, lower the cost and enhance the performance of a complete machine is to further study the structure of an adsorber.
192. Wrapped within the building are extra dimensions that become smaller and smaller: pipes, and nooks and crannies within the pipes, the spaces between the nooks and crannies and so on.
193. The five dimensions based on the research consist of reception service, cleanness and virescence, security, repairing service , and total evaluation.
194. PERFORATOR : Fourth stage of operation in the cage department. Simultaneously cuts out all pockets required in blank, maintaining proper top dimensions.
195. The outer circle surrounding the central dimensions in Figure 2.1 represents the lenses (or theories) that researchers bring to bear on the questions or dimensions being studied.
196. It was the first time anyone had ever derived the observed number of dimensions from first principles.
197. The new Minkowski Phase option allows you to see the ramifications of your design decisions pushed through a fluid four dimensions or other potential spacetime ripples.
198. The raft rigidity directly affected by the dimensions of the board, however, were neglected in the traditional analyzing of substratum settlement except of the elasticity theory method.
199. You have been to many places in many dimensions and have experienced much.
200. Feedback intervention, a kind of external feedback consciously controlled by the external agent with a purpose, has three dimensions: feedback target, feedback value and feedback-provided style.
201. Containing the scaling ratio between the current and design-time scaling automatic scaling dimensions.
202. Researchers visited their homes and investigated everything from early bed-wetting episodes to their body dimensions.
203. At the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.
204. The dimensions of the osteo-cutaneous-flap were planned according to the defect of recipient.
205. Paleoanthropologists at Florida State University created virtual skull casts from nine human cases of microcephaly and concluded that the Hobbit skull did not match their dimensions.
206. Assembly tools for screws and nuts . Square drive sockets. Part 1 : hand-operated sockets. Dimensions.
207. Development is a dimensions western the area with baronial , very formidable task develops a project.
208. Bidder shall furnish: Estimated dimensions and shipping weight of each package.
209. Dimensions and specifications subject to change without notice accordance with our policy of continuous product improvement.
210. These pain points increase with the number of dimensions (e.g., physical, temporal, organizational, and company) and the degree of distribution within the teams.