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31. Golfweb. com got 1, 079 answers when it asked users who should be the next Ryder Cup captain. 32. The Examiner, for example, is viewable on the Internet at www. sfgate. com. 33. Its big rival, Stamps.com, also laid off 240 employees last month in a bid to streamline operations. 34. ApolloMedia operates a Web site called annoy. com, which allows browsers to send controversial postcards bearing nudity and profanities. 35. Not a minute to wait Isn't lastminute.com a wonderful idea? 36. HomePro.com HomePro aims to make it easier for homeowners to get in touch with true trade professionals. 37. Excerpts from the book proposal, published on Inside.com, a gossipy website, only heightened the mystery. 38. There will be dot.com casualties and job layoffs, and tech stocks will look less rosy. 39. A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work PigPanda.com -- kept going down. 40. Look ahead five or so years to when Lastminute.com might be an established business. 41. So skip on over to the Alta Vista search engine at http: / / www. altavista. digital. com. 42. The latter com pound crosses into the placenta which takes over with the necessary enzymes to complete the synthesis of estriol. 43. Aeromanager features a gateway to Enginedatacenter.com, a new data systems and solutions service. 44. Initial offerings, available today at www.gateway-hosting.com, include a complete range of web hosting and domain name registration services. 45. Turn on your computer, access the internet and find the website for Confession / www.com. 46. But dot.com firms are falling like flies, and disillusioned users are logging off. 47. Have a great day and we hope your dot.com venture is a smash hit. 48. The central issues were nowhere near ready for com promise. 49. The threat from pure e-tailers subsided as companies like the original Boo.com, an online fashion retailer, went bust. 50. Attendees will meet with Job Service representatives and preview the new JobsND.com Web site. 51. Bluelight.com is a lot more interested in you as a person than FreeI.net. 52. Paul Pioneer Press when management put him in charge of the paper's Web site, called PioneerPlanet.com. 53. Perhaps, no decision caused more trouble for the past council than the secrecy that surrounded the Amazon.com deal. 54. Carparts.com employs over 100 people with experience in technology, catalogue retailing, marketing and the automotive industry. 55. She also debuts on the collectors' Web site, www. barbie. com. 56. Dorp in whenever you com to see your parents. 57. Enter com.ibm.test.wcm.app.atom.resolver in the Name field and click Finish. 58. This wizard implements a connection point a COM object. 59. For Local home interface, specify com.ibm.wts.WTSLocalHome. 60. In the Default package field, enter com.ibm.wts.