快好知 kuaihz

121. They cast their lines not far off-shore, and appeared to take excellent catches of fish. 122. Catches have fallen from 36,000 tonnes in 1988 to 28,000 tonnes in 1992 and the number of fish is down by two-thirds. 123. Resist the temptation to buy on impulse, just because an outfit catches the eye. 124. It catches the wind and flies out of her hand. 125. A flat-calm water, clear sky and a bright quarter moon are not the sort of conditions we associate with good catches. 126. One day, when he catches me reading for the umpteenth time, he comes up to me after class, exasperated. 127. Catches were well documented at the time and proceeds from sales were distributed to the poor of Doncaster. 128. Buy my ice cream catches the eye when it is accompanied by a picture of two good-looking people seducing each other. 129. He catches sight of the mortar team and myself sitting on the grass drinking our tea. 130. I guess what catches my eye is the aura of a sense of purpose. 131. One local fisherman is drowned when his boat catches fire and burns. 132. Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter. 133. It is the early bird that catches the worm. 134. English: A gloved cat catches no mice. 135. The pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and watcher watches. 136. Atlantic Ocean catches consist mostly of yellowfin. 137. With television today, truth ever catches up with half-truth. 138. This picture catches the innocent vivacity of children. 138.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 139. He catches a job as a truck driver. 140. A black cat catches a black rat. 141. The painting catches the beauty of the Rockies perfectly. 142. A mantis catches a cicada, a yellowbird behinds . 143. If Mom catches you smoking in the house, you up the creek. 144. Since limits on minimum fish size and total catch vary from region to region, according to the health of the local piscine population, fishing boats often lie about the location of their catches. 145. the exposed top end stays clean while the root-ish tail end catches the hair and goop. 146. He raises his shoe to unlace and catches the sight of the slippers. 147. In Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, a camera trap catches a polar bear looking out of place on bare brown soil. 148. Reassuringly, my dog appears to share my veridical view of reality: she chases the ball and triumphantly catches it between her jaws. 149. The sleeping fox catches no poulty, Idleness is the greatest prodigality. 150. Catches an illness the flowering branch to have the mutual infectiousness , but died of old age the flowering branch is easy to have the ethylene acceleration deterioration.