benefit from造句31) Heat exchangers might also benefit from treatment with polymers.
32) Exhibition revenue rose 7 % and continued to benefit from the medium's effectiveness in bringing buyers and sellers together.
33) So Swannson-on-Wheels will gain considerable benefit from the purchase of a relatively local garage facility on the outskirts of Tetbury.
34) People being assessed are also offered an advocacy service in case they feel that they would benefit from additional support.
35) You can use the control you have to help you get more benefit from your viewing. 3.
36) But even these alienated loners can benefit from this book: See the section on astral love.
37) Study these carefully to ensure you gain maximum benefit from every interview you attend.
38) To what extent though do student architects actually benefit from staying at university or polytechnic for so long?
39) About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
40) This is the only way to get maximum benefit from the promising new AIDS-virus treatments.
41) But all pupils will benefit from contact with genuine artefacts from the past.
42) Unquestionably,[/benefit from.html] some migraine patients do not benefit from or can not tolerate either of the above classes of drugs.
43) The first is to select those who are more likely to benefit from disulfiram treatment.
44) Intelligent application of the technique can take these warnings into account and still derive considerable benefit from it.
45) Renewable energy projects benefit from a price premium financed by a levy on the power industry.
46) It doesn't matter if your Executor stands to benefit from the Will.
47) Not only you but also your teenager will benefit from such honesty.
48) We regret that people in wheelchairs would not be able to gain full benefit from the visit.
49) Many, although as we saw earlier not necessarily all, clients get some benefit from tailor-made nursing care.
50) Even after years of marriage an ex-wife will get no benefit from this if her former husband dies.
51) It also notes that applications will have to be recompiled to get full benefit from the chip.
52) Some patients may benefit from a stress management programme, while severe cases may require the multidisciplinary services of a pain clinic.
53) Feedback Between Teachers and Employers All students would benefit from the ongoing exchange of information between employers and educators.
54) All taxpayers will benefit from the widening of the 10p income tax band.
55) Some health workers may benefit from education, examination, and resources for wise management.
56) Most expatriates will benefit from consulting an independent financial adviser for specialist help.
57) Failure to benefit from some union policies need not preclude membership if advantages accrue from other union policies.
58) But they're the first people in the country to benefit from a revolutionary kind of wheelchair; the Sapphire.
59) If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.Thich Nhat Hanh
60) To derive benefit from taekwondo training, the body has to be in peak physical condition.