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as from造句
61. Baby formula feeding and parental cigarette smoking might have an atherogenic effect on the coronary walls as from the first months of life. 62. It was found that three times as much rain fell to the ground from seeded single clouds as from unseeded clouds. 63. Media conversion: The converting of data from one storage medium to another, such As from disc to tape or from one type of disc pack to another. 64. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. 65. Arrangements for each fine point as from the projection of lamplight to the touch of bedcover signify your sleep quality is highly valued. 66. NEE Jr Owen Dawes ceased to be a partner of Coudert Brothers Hong Kong Office as from 15 April 2003 and transferred to Shanghai Office. 67. Sometimes a spark would flash out from under the wheels, the same as from a horse's hoof when it strikes a stone: that was the lightning. 68. He learned as much from Ludwig Wittgenstein and Rudolf Carnap as from James and Dewey. 69. Having a gray or purplish color, as from cold or contusion. 70. Friendship, a more lasting commodity than love, is as likely to result from a marriage of convenience as from any other. 71. The horizontal angle of the observer's bearing in surveying, measured clockwise from a referent direction, as from the north, or from a referent celestial body, usually Polaris. 72. Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base. 73. TheITC shall contain the declaration that the holder is free to play within aspecific association as from a certain date. 74. MAK Hon Ming became a partner Lai as from 1 February 2003. 75. To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. 76. An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark , tanning. 77. Under the new situation, policies for ethnic education are in a process of shifting focus from quantity to quality as well as from preferential policies to special policies. 78. To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment. 79. In the Sulfation Pathway, we take in sulfur, as from eggs. 80. To cause ( the skin ) to redden or grow hot, as from strong emotion or stimulants. 81. Bear market is usually defined as from the top down at least 20 %. 82. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. 83. A backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft. 84. Valve Breakage. Any condition that causes the valve to overheat or to be subjected to heavy pounding (as from excessive tappet clearance or from detonation ) may cause valves to Break. 85. Persons of doctor, take ship that all parts travel specially he, it think crewman diagnose the illness as from, go to travel around the world, take risks everywhere. 86. The origins of the infundibular papillary complex were abnormal in 28 cases, such as from the lower margin of the infundibular septum. 87. To start or wince involuntarily, as from surprise or pain. 88. A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns. 89. But the historical road which the American law of contract has followed perhaps cannot be simply summarized as from the victory of will theory to the death of contract. 90. A backward flow of water, as from the action of oars.