快好知 kuaihz

(31) The 1930s was a time of high unemployment and economic hardship in much of the United Kingdom. (32) Most nations learned their lesson during the 1930s when trade imploded and incomes plunged. (33) Glenn Miller was one of the most famous bandleaders of the 1930s. (34) Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s. (35) He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. (36) In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930s. (37) By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch. (38) British society tended to ossify and close ranks as the 1930s drew to their close. (39) Shockingly, this useless and dangerous surgery did not end until the 1930s. (40) The film explores the life of small-town America in the 1930s. (41) He invoked memories of Britain's near-disastrous disarmament in the 1930s. (42) Amy Johnson was a pioneering aviator who made record-breaking flights to Australia and South Africa in the 1930s. (43) Today's economic problems pale in comparison with those of the 1930s. (44) During the depression of the 1920s and 1930s many men found it almost impossible to keep the wolf from the door. (45) Unemployment was so bad in the 1930s that they went on their knees nearly to get jobs. (46) Her education followed the usual well-worn path of rich youngsters in the 1930s. (47) It lingered on well into the 1930s. (47)try its best to collect and build good sentences. (48) Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, racism and bigotry intensified. (49) The 1930s were the glory days. (50) Throughout the 1930s she was an increasingly isolated figure. (51) In the 1920s and 1930s designers dispensed with ornamentation. (52) He had started a literary bookshop in the 1930s. (53) They're old apartments, built in the 1930s or thereabouts. (54) Nor would all the additional acreage have been possible without those crops of tobacco from the 1930s onward. (55) The 1930s were the era of the detective story, and it had reached its maximum popularity with Edgar Wallace. (56) The politics of the 1950s and 1960s were not as dramatic as those of the 1930s. (57) No doubt a Conservative Member will cite the 1930s, just as has happened in the past. (58) Such was the disturbed world in which the young impressionable Nasser was to take his first steps in politics in the 1930s. (59) This fall reflects in particular the low birth rates of the 1920s and 1930s. (60) Certainly Mosley's constant harping on the theme of left-wing intimidation was a fairly effective recruiting ploy throughout the 1930s.