145造句61, When it was built, the Great pyramid was 145.75 m high.
62, This bar naturally vibrates at 3.145 MHz, but apply an alternating voltage and it vibrates more quickly or slowly.
63, She was a "reincarnate level 145, " having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling, flaming scales.
64, Results 99 out of 145 AD patients have elevated total IgE ( 68.3 % ).
65, A year ago, oil reached its remarkable closing high of $ 145.29 a barrel.
66, Villagers are evacuated to safety as the Fu River bursts through a protective embankment in Fuzhou, China threatening the lives of 145,[http:///145.html]000 residents.
67, 4,000 copies of Wuthering Heights went in two days. That's not bad going for a book that has been on the market for 145 years.
68, I placed three phantom bets and made a phantom loss of & pound ; 145 .
69, Since mid April, there have been 145 reported cases of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Saintpaul nationwide, including at least 23 hospitalizations.
70, Issuance price than it is now higher than the market price of 145%.
71, Tr ait: red crystalline powder, acetone soluble, water fast , melting point greater than 145 ℃.
72, C. I. Disperse Red 145 were synthesized by the coupling of N-ethyl-N-cyanoethyl aniline with diazotized 6-nitro-2-aminobenzothiazole.