telecommunications造句31. The Opposition have made absolutely no commitment to provide free phones or to increase public expenditure on telecommunications infrastructure in any way.
32. Then, a couple of weeks ago, Congress passed the Telecommunications Reform Act, which eases restrictions on cross-ownership of media.
33. Soon, the entire global telecommunications network is buzzing with Tonellis.
34. In the coming millennium, Dahl predicted, new telecommunications technology will exert a powerful influence for change on the democratic process.
35. Since those early days, telecommunications Companies have been striving constantly to make the network intelligent once again.
36. Structured documents messaging consists of the automated interchange of standardized and approved messages between computer applications, via telecommunications lines.
37. In the absence of central leadership, cross-border telecommunications services are difficult and expensive to obtain.
38. Local stations and telecommunications facilities should be supported largely out of local contributions and appropriations from local communities.
39. Since coming into office, the Clinton administration has removed export controls on most computers and telecommunications equipment.
40. But giant telecommunications firms that have already pledged tens of billions for highway construction favor a less regulated market.
41. Interactive telecommunications increasingly give ordinary citizens immediate access to the major political decisions that affect their lives and property.
42. Telecommunications technology has reduced the traditional barriers of time and distance.
43. For example, the computer industry and telecommunications are now converging as technology advances.
44. The same suggestion applies to methods of establishing the existence and contents of bill of lading telecommunications.
45. Its activities were largely focused on telecommunications, the heavy electrical sector and on defence electronics and avionics.
46. Modern telecommunications technologies have the potential to alter dramatically the role of wired media.
47. Not surprisingly, the major computer, consumer electronics and telecommunications companies are hoping to grab a share.
48. Mr. Redwood How do the duopoly policy in telecommunications and the restructuring of the electricity industry fit that picture?
49. "The telecommunications industry is changing at lightning speed," said Richard Miller, the company's chief financial officer.
50. To be sure, the new generation of flexible, individually controlled telecommunications technologies offers new hope for educational improvement.
51. Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to accelerate the transition of telephone and video services from regulated to competitive markets.
52. He was speaking at a conference which follows three months of public consultation on changes to the telecommunications laws.
53. Meanwhile, technology is driving down other costs, such as computing and telecommunications.
54. They also provide services for the Internet, information systems, telecommunications and Web server use.
55. Additional programs in international studies and telecommunications were on the drawing board.
56. Like the foreign exchange market, no physical euro-currency market exists but instead it consists of telecommunications between banks.
57. Of the three information technology sectors telecommunications services was pack leader with 7.7% turnover growth and 13.1% median pre-tax growth.
58. Officials say they have been frustrated to find that telecommunications companies have not consistently built wiretap capabilities into their new technologies.
59. But others are concerned that the telecommunications industry may be rushing to use novel types of fibre before the technology is proven.
60. His company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement with the telecommunications giant for a minimum of six years.