快好知 kuaihz

1. The problem needs analyzing. 2. Randomizations protect against possible confusion in analyzing results. 3. It was restricted to gathering and analyzing intelligence. 4. In analyzing this theory, there is one undeniable fact. 5. Scientists are analyzing raw data from the shuttle's telescope. 6. Analyzing the past, forecasting the future. 7. College students get a kick out of analyzing their temperaments based on principles from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 8. International research tends to involve analyzing international data, rather than acquiring first-hand knowledge about international operations in other countries. 9. Most bond salesmen use the language of investment, analyzing the company and its prospects. 10. Most have relied upon traditional methods for analyzing jobs, by breaking them down into long lists of discrete skills. 11. Establishing or changing an existing credit policy requires analyzing the relationship of these costs to the profitability of the firm. 12. Experts are still analyzing the DNA evidence in the case. 13. One of the problems in analyzing the situation is that we do not have all the information yet. 14. Analyzing each of the members of the critical mass with regard to readiness and capability. 15. For the purpose of analyzing the functional significance of chaos it is not necessary to make this distinction. 16. Analyzing data received on any other basis than getting more engrams leads to delay and confusion for the preclear. 17. In Chapter 8 we look at methods for analyzing human technological prowess in the mastery of materials for artifacts. 18. He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires. 19. To make effective decisions, they need to be open to different opinions and good at analyzing contradictory information. 20. Persons interested in becoming financial managers should enjoy working independently, dealing with people, and analyzing detailed account information. 21. Budget analysts spend the majority of their time working independently, compiling and analyzing data and preparing budget proposals. 22. Your first step is to examine existing evidence that is relevant to the issue you are analyzing. 23. They eschewed grand schemes of schematic explanation, preferring empirical explorations of the particular, with close attention to analyzing function. 24. Nathan Keyfitz, a professor emeritus of sociology and population at Harvard University, has spent considerable time analyzing the debate. 25. Debate within the Justice Department has focused in part on analyzing the constitutionality of Proposition 209, the Justice official said. 26. Mark Drake combined aspects of both these models by using a group process to focus the political actors on analyzing business issues. 27. And the journalists spend a good deal of their time analyzing and reporting what the people think and how they feel. 28. If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man.Fyodor Dostoyevsky 29. They always seem intent on involvement in the situation and find pleasure and enjoyment in analyzing relationships of others. 30. We have completed our experiments and we are now analyzing the results.