快好知 kuaihz

1. Analyses were conducted on the raw data. 2. She analyses herself with great subtlety. 3. The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them. 4. The book analyses the social and political ramifications of AIDS for the gay community. 5. The report analyses the incidence of cancer among people aged 0 - 24. 6. Their analyses provided vital ammunition to the antinuclear campaigners. 7. Not so rapid are the statistical analyses. 8. Our model analyses size dimorphism with differential adult mortality. 9. Its use subsequently spread to other public sector analyses involving a comparison of costs and benefits over time. 10. Accordingly, sophisticated econometric analyses of balance of payments behaviour should be treated with strong scepticism. 11. Take the normal Law Commission Report which analyses the problem and then annexes a draft Bill to remedy it. 12. A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country. 13. Analyses comparing rates of non-smoking among study groups at each follow up were repeated for non-smokers at baseline rather than never smokers. 14. The detailed analyses they make of unconscious significations can stop them from considering any other kind of explanation. 15. Analyses were also performed with birth register and delivery register controls separately. 16. Class based analyses which exclude them therefore produce a misleading picture of inequalities in child health. 17. However, while the theoretical analyses yield precise predictions, these have not always been found in empirical analysis. 18. The final section gives a Simplified economic analyses for the various conversions of a 200 megawatt plant. 18.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 19. Foucault's approach and analyses have also to some degree informed this work and for that reason alone deserve a critical appraisal. 20. This is supplemented by the department's own financial analyses which it puts on to its own financial online database. 21. Both found their analyses in a non-reflexive mode which presupposes the truth of a Marxist analysis of power. 22. Both reports constitute posthoc analyses of data on several thousand patients followed up for varying periods at regional hypertension clinics. 23. This is all grist to the mill of orthodox social democratic analyses of crime. 24. Future missions would collect those rocks and return them to Earth for analyses. 25. Caution is therefore necessary in drawing definite conclusions from either rRNA or protein-tree analyses. 26. Radiation readings are taken every hour at each station and are transmitted to a central computer which analyses the data. 27. The lack of sharp focus in this field is a serious obstacle to comparison of analyses and to proper explanation. 28. Counselors described career planning as a low priority and admitted that they had minimal training in labor-market analyses or career guidance. 29. Nevertheless, Blake's achievement in producing digestible theory and illuminating analyses within the confines of such a short book is considerable. 30. Therefore, we used the categories current smoker, former smoker, never a smoker, and unknown in our analyses.