105造句31. The dollar was quoted at 105. 32 yen, down from 105. 42 yen in late New York trading Friday.
32. The average working week in Oakley's sample was 77 hours, with a range from 48 to 105.
33. In Tokyo, the dollar was trading at 105. 41, down from 106. 26 yesterday.
34. Some 105 civilians and police officers were reported to have been injured in the disturbances.
35. Silk tie, £55, silver and gold sun cufflinks, £295, blue and gold fountain pen, £105, Gucci.
36. Building Regulations plans approval £35.25; and £105.75 inspection fees when the work commences.
37. The most recent estimates suggest that Britain has a population of about 250,000 adult badgers and 105,000 cubs.
38. Prop 105 would require a charter review advisory committee to be established every 10 years.
39. Employment Hotel managers and assistant managers held about 105, 000 wage and salary jobs in 1994.
40. In Tokyo trading, the dollar bought 105. 57 yen, up 0. 25.
41. Kenski points to Prop 105, a referendum which exempted vacant land owned by cemeteries from taxation.
42. The total number of adults diagnosed with diabetes in California is estimated to be 1,393,105.
43. Best motorcycle accomplishment: getting a ticket on a Kawasaki 650 in Palo Alto for going 105 in a 35 zone.
44. It was quoted at 105. 60 yen, down from 105. 63 yen in New York.
45. Miles likes to set up 105 his books alphabetically, with favorites on the top shelf and special baskets for series books.
46. Only 14 out of 105 Crohn's disease patients showed perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody reactivity by indirect immunofluorescence assay.
47. Operating profits dropped by 18 percent to £105.9 million and interest charges were slashed by two-thirds to £5.4 million.
48. They succeed by 105 l criticizing that ethos and by suggesting an alternative to it.
49. The dollar was changing hands at 105. 57 yen, up 0. 25 yen.
50. Some artists try to protect their interests by selling through 105 non-profit Aboriginal community art centres.
51. The FDA granted approvals for 105 new drugs last year.
52. The Usher's salary was increased from £105 to 150 guineas.
53. Three day bargain breaks to include three course evening dinner, bed and breakfast - £105 per person.
54. In 1995, the dollar topped out at about 105 yen.
55. Dollar: 105. 25 yen, up 0. 38; 1. 4425 marks, off 0. 0035.
56. The very best numbers were numbers like 20, 23, 30, 40, 57, 75, 105 and 155.
57. Curing agent are two types of TGIC and 105.
58. Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 14 : polyvinyl acetal enamelled round aluminium wire, class 105.
59. A city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is the seat of the University of Oregon (founded 1872 ). Population, 105, 624.
60. Vendera's glass-breaking wail registered at 105 decibels—almost as loud as a jackhammer.