the working class造句31) Both individual men and the political movements men have made within the working class are culpable.
32) Instead, the party moulded the spontaneous protest of the working class into a consciously socialist revolutionary movement.
33) In short, it was the poorer sections of the working class who were trapped in poverty with little prospect of escape.
34) It would be wrong to see this development as involving the replacement of the working class by the new urban left.
35) A second, more troublesome fraction exists at the lowest end of the working class.
36) These two sections of the working class were seen to require separate treatment.
37) It was the working class who wanted to use their money for flamboyant display.
38) He is that most traditional of stereotypes - the working class gone bad.
39) Disorganized capitalism remains capitalism, and they make it clear that they are not bidding farewell to the working class.
40) The problem is not the combativity or the revolutionary potential of the working class and its allies.
41) Much of it was erected by small speculators with limited means, who came themselves from the working class.
42) In challenging this we believe in the unity of the working class.
43) The political stance of the working class will rely heavily on the nature, size and development of the labour movement.
44) They are not saying that the Central Statistical Office is engaged in some deep-laid plot against the working class.
45) Furthermore, there was a challenge to the legitimacy of the strike from within the leadership of the working class.
46) He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
47) No serious Marxist discussion of class has failed to recognize the importance of divisions within the working class.
48) Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
49) Humphrey calls the differentiation of the working class thesis technologically determinist because he says it attaches too much importance to technology.
50) A small part of law work, and that of a very low status, is concerned with the working class.
51) The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists.
52) In other words, the working class characteristics of low economic resources and consumer power no longer applied.
53) If you're working class, you cauterize the working class in you.
54) I worry that the necessary measures may radicalise the working class which is, of course, the sector most prone to unemployment.
55) This spiralling is further fuelled by the rising expectations among the working class for higher levels of spending.
56) These contradictory roles create a fiscal and legitimacy crisis for the state,[www.] which will ultimately he overthrown by the working class.
57) It has also resulted in downward mobility for a significant proportion of the working class.
58) But did the working class accept their continued relatively poor conditions without demur.
59) The political ambitions of the working class had normally been channelled through parliamentary and constitutional routeways.
60) On the other hand they feared the working class who were also pushing for constitutional change against the aristocratic interest.