快好知 kuaihz

1, We were enlisted as helpers. 2, He enlisted as a volunteer in the army. 3, They both enlisted a year before the war broke out. 4, Michael Hughes of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago. 5, He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team. 6, Have you enlisted yet? 7, He enlisted in the Navy and went to be kitted up. 8, Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party. 9, We enlisted the aid of John and his family. 10, He enlisted for active service in the war. 11, Campaigners have enlisted the support of their local MP. 12, Three thousand men were enlisted. 13, He was enlisted into the US Navy. 14, He enlisted as a private. 15, He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War. 16, They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy. 17, He enlisted in the army. 18, He has enlisted in the navy. 19, They both enlisted in 1915. 20, The public are being enlisted to help. 21, Thousands of recruits had been enlisted and partly trained. 22, We enlisted them to help. 23, He enlisted in the Lancashire regiment. 24, We enlisted them to serve as ushers at the meeting. 25, We've enlisted a few volunteers to help clean the hall. 26, He answered the call of duty and enlisted in the army. 27, I've read that you've enlisted some 12-year-olds to help out in your campaign. 28, The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to help homeless children. 29, He enlisted the help of a private detective in his search for the truth. 30, 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,[http:///enlisted.html]000 men enlisted each month.