simply造句181. In a strict sense, frost refers simply to a temperature of zero degrees Celsius or less.
182. The government is not simply relying on trickle-down economics to tackle poverty.
183. We need to recognize that certain uses of the land upon which we live are simply wrong.
184. A clerk simply verifies that the payment and invoice amount match.
185. The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked across.
186. He was loud, vulgar and arrogant-quite simply the rudest man I've ever met!
187. A car with tires in this condition is simply a death trap.
188. Slow workers on piece rates simply took home less pay.
189. In her own work she simply reproduces the very conventions that she claims to despise.
190. He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.
191. A lot of leading ladies end up falling in love with their leading men simply because they are working together so intensely.
192. The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.
193. Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.
194. It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
195. The government's response to popular disaffection has been simply to increase security.
196. It is quite simply the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.
197. She simply walked into a job at the bank as soon as she graduated.
198. Illness and death came suddenly; over the years she had simply worn herself out.
199. The advert puts over the message clearly and simply: nuclear power is clean.
200. She told us how easy it was to use the computer, then by way of demonstration simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.
201. The school is filled to capacity?we simply can't take any more students.
202. Football kit relaunches are simply a way of boosting sales.
203. Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned is that you simply cannot please everyone.
204. It's simply not practical to divide the work between so many people.
205. It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving.
206. They would simply hand her over to the magistrate as a thief.
207. Use a template or stencil or simply do it freehand.
208. She was wearing a little black dress, accessorized simply with a silver necklace.
209. Mr Quinn is simply concerned to hold on to his job.
210. The article simply echoed the NRA's arguments against gun control.