快好知 kuaihz

61. The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice. 62. More practice will make you speak with greater fluency. 63. If you don't play, you'll get out of practice. 64. Can I be excused from football practice? 65. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence. 66. We learned by actual experience that practice makes perfect. 67. The practice of global politics requires reform. 68. This practice has remained unaltered for centuries. 69. We must now put our plans into practice. 70. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged. 71. The following examples illustrate how this operates in practice. 72. Even great musicians require constant practice. 73. The children need more practice in tying their shoelaces. 74. Bashing politicians is normal practice in the press. 75. There are four GPs in our local practice. 76. How much territory does this medical practice cover? 77. They set up a private practice. 78. The theory bears little relevance to practice. 79. His accent should improve with practice. 80. He turned to the study and practice of medicine. 81. They are free to practice their religion openly. 82. He has a large practice in London. 83. My solicitor is no longer in practice. 84. This practice breaches the arms convention. 85. His writing gained by continued practice. 86. " Practice makes perfect. " is a proverb. 87. I need more practice at shooting. 88. Practice varies between different European jurisdictions. 89. I've lost those skills through lack of practice. 90. His practice is in the centre of the city.