society造句211. Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society.
212. She embarked on a series of sexual liaisons with society figures.
213. The rise in delinquency is an indictment of our society and its values.
214. She was dressed up as a lady of high society.
215. What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private affluence and public squalor.
216. The Company received a commendation from the Royal Society of Arts.
217. Society has to give prisoners a second chance when they come out of jail.
218. He wants to create a society where Islamic principles predominate.
219. The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male.
220. He warned that the breakdown of the family unit would lead to an impoverished society.
221. They went into politics in the hope of changing society.
222. The old values are withering away in a new society.
223. Members of the English Civil War Society will re-enact the battle.
224. The reform of society must be reconciled with the demands of ordinary people.
225. Careful spending has gone out of fashion in our consumer society.
226. The ultimate aim of their political party is to rebuild the society.
227. They have been stalwarts of the local amateur dramatic society for over 30 years.
228. This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society.
229. In a society where water was precious, it had to be shared fairly between individuals.
230. In old society many talented young people were too often ploughed under.
231. in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
232. The monarchy is seen by some as an anachronism in present - day society.
233. The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements.
234. The bank and the building society are in the same office-block.
235. A society should be judged on its beliefs and values.
236. Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society.
237. The losers in this society are the old , the sick, the jobless, the homeless and badly housed.
238. Thousands of carpetbaggers have invested in the building society, hoping that it will become a public company.
239. The country is in transition from an agricultural to an industrial society.
240. Single mothers often feel that they are stigmatized by society.