spend造句151. Let us spend a few moments in quiet meditation.
152. He was condemned to spend the rest of the football season on the bench.
153. He had to spend about six months in a class with younger students.
154. He decided very wisely to keep his money rather than spend it.
155. I spend a lot one month and not so much the next and in the end it balances out.
156. He put a limit on the amount we could spend.
157. Her need to save money outweighs her desire to spend it on fun.
158. He had to spend his twentieth birthday in the slammer.
159. These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money.
160. We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.
161. I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
162. With jobs so scarce, many young people spend long hours with little to do but drink and stew.
162.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
163. Work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.
164. If you spend more than your income, can you try to cut down?
165. The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.
166. The government has promised to spend more on health and education.
167. He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy.
168. We can deduce a lot from what people spend their money on.
169. As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.
170. If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a criminal for the rest of your life.
171. I would spend hours daydreaming about a house of my own.
172. I have an expense account and spend about £10,000 a year on entertaining.
173. Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
174. Falk even persuaded Nike to spend at least $ 1 million marketing Jordan, a gargantuan sum at the time.
175. Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends.
176. What about getting new ones-Are you so tight you won't even spend three roubles?
177. We are duty bound to justify how we spend our funds.
178. I'm going to spend a week in the mountains to recharge my batteries.
179. I shall spend most of the day getting the place together for my girlfriend's visit.
180. I don't think it's healthy for her to spend so much time alone.