issue造句61 The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue.
62 I could tell that he was trying to evade the issue .
63 The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.
64 It was feared that the issue would split the church.
65 The government continues to fudge the issue by refusing to give exact figures.
66 The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
67 Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
68 The next big issue confronting the workers is the question of wages.
69 I know where I stand on this issue - I'm against the war.
70 That issue is not within the remit of the working group.
71 They set up a working party to look into the issue.
72 Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union.
73 The government has been forced to climb down over the issue of increased taxes.
74 They are obfuscating the issue, as only insurance companies can.
75 It is easy to have an opinion on a moral issue like the death penalty for murder.
76 That's not the issue.
77 Nowhere is language a more serious issue than in Hawaii.
78 for the May issue.
79 Britain was heavily outvoted on the issue.
80 The issue is still being hotly debated.
81 He raised the highly emotive issue of bullfighting.
82 The government has been ambiguous on this issue.
83 A more important issue underlies this debate.
84 This issue has been rehashed so many times already.
85 Health care is a politically sensitive issue.
86 The issue is still under debate.
87 He has been canvassing opinion on the issue.
88 The issue was put to the vote.
89 The leaders and members clashed on the issue.
90 The issue will be debated on Tuesday.