vacuum造句31. My vacuum cleaner has very good suction.
32. The machine then creates a vacuum.
33. He could hear the whirr of a vacuum cleaner.
34. Her resignation left a power vacuum in the government.
35. Sound waves will not travel through a vacuum.
36. I went down on one knee to plug in the vacuum cleaner.
37. This kind of decision cannot ever be made in a vacuum.
38. My old vacuum cleaner has gone west at last and I'll have to buy a new one.
39. She was quick to fill the power vacuum that was left by the sudden death of the managing director.
40. His resignation has created a vacuum which cannot easily be filled.
41. His resignation has left a power vacuum at the head of the party.
42. We've got this vacuum cleaner on ten days' free trial.
43. There has been a vacuum in his life since his wife died.
44. He sells vacuum cleaners.
45. Have you finished with the vacuum cleaner yet? I need it.
46. The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.
47. Would you mind giving the carpet a once-over with the vacuum cleaner?
48. No artist works in a vacuum - we are all of us influenced by others.
49. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.
50. The process of learning a language does not take place in a vacuum.http:///vacuum.html
51. In his innocence he had allowed the salesman in to discuss vacuum cleaners.
52. Will you vacuum if you have time?
53. These laws were not made in a vacuum.
54. It was derived from an ordinary domestic vacuum cleaner.
55. There is a God- shaped vacuum in every heart.Blaise Pascal
56. A spiritual vacuum afflicts many people.
57. Open the wine, lucky you've got a vacuum cork.
58. So, he also sold vacuum cleaners door to door.
59. This vacuum cleaner comes with a range of attachments.
60. Organizations do not exist in a vacuum.