marine造句151. A level of three million algae to a litre of water is fatal to marine life.
152. Under pressure, power projects threatening water quality and marine life were halted.
153. Other descendants of the marine invertebrates have also left the water.
154. Significant technological advances in underwater excavation and recovery are proving a mixed blessing in the field of marine archaeology.
155. Seacontrol represents the first time on-board maintenance software has been made commercially available to the shipping industry by a marine coatings supplier.
156. The tests are designed to ensure that the waste does not cause significant damage to marine wildlife or human health.
157. Angel and butterflyfish are some of the most beautiful marine fish they hobbyist is ever likely to keep.
158. Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
159. They munch native marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.
160. The resultant high temperatures and high humidities could have had a disastrous effect on both land and marine faunas.
161. Both started as marine biologists, and in Cambridge both worked on animals and plants.
162. Environmentalists claim the highly saline water discharged from desalination plants could harm marine life.
163. Derrick Smith, remains largely unknown even on this Marine Corps base where he is stationed.
164. Nearby is Sea World, the home of sea lions, killer whales and other marine animals which perform before entranced audiences.
165. The face in the mirror of the marine blue bathroom cabinet looked terrified and ill.
166. The Anisakidae are ascaridoids whose adults are parasitic in a wide rage of animals, including marine mammals and birds.
167. The outlook for this once beautiful natural coast, its mangroves and marine life looks bleak.
168. For one thing, marine fishes are usually larger than the freshwater tropicals kept in home aquariums.
169. What happens to a large fish or a marine mammal when it dies?
170. In a report on marine pollution, the organization states that 12,000 pipes have been licensed to discharge industrial effluent.
171. The shot he fired missed her by inches and killed a Marine a short distance behind.
172. The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
173. Good for beginners Q. Which marine fish would you recommend for the beginner?
174. This could represent a humid climate during the glacial-interglacial transition between stages 8 and 7 of the marine 18 O record.
175. He has appointed a highly regarded three-star Marine general, James L.. Jones, to be his military assistant.
176. These days,[http:///marine.html] the Marine Corps is very choosy about who joins.
177. Versions of his marine thermometer served for deep-sea measurements throughout the nineteenth century.
178. Last year biologists from the Marine Mammal Centre collected 75 wounded sea lions, most of which died.
179. During the 1950s further work on marine guidance was adapted for use in ballistic missiles.
180. Their range of frozen foods is supplemented with vitamins, and suitable for marine and freshwater tanks.