dense造句121 The smoke this produced was so dense that it closed airports and smothered half the country.
122 It was a peculiar sort of fog which lay on the sea in dense banks striped with narrow, clear channels.
123 Though the trees and the undergrowth had been cut back, branches and dense foliage stooped overhead.
124 The scent of dense green growth, irrigation mist, massive trees not butchered for their fodder, fattened, passive cattle.
125 The muntjac and roe deer are browsers, living either singly or in very small groups throughout the year in dense woodland.
126 High pressures are essential because graphite is less dense than diamond.
127 Almost the entire journey was through the plain, now covered in dense fog.
128 Ferns grew among the boulders, and further on the spring undergrowth was already dense.
129 The rebels fought like demons, and under cover of the dense underbrush poured deadly volleys upon us.
130 There was dust everywhere - the shop was filled with a dense fog of it.
131 During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland.
132 The Belemnite chalk is less dense than the Montagne de Reims and turns sandy towards the bottom of its twenty-metre depth.
133 It appears that the Leonids contain a dense cloud of dust released during recent stressful passages of comet Tempel-Tuttle by the Sun.
134 The upper surface of the arms are covered with a dense coating of granules and segmental bands of hooks.
135 But it was eerie in the sense that the trees were so big and dense and it was so dark.
136 A lion roars in the dense thicket into which the watercourse runs.
137 Inmates were paid 50 cents a day for the back-breaking chore of clearing right of way through dense forests and laying track.
137try its best to gather and build good sentences.
138 Firefighters could not get near the blaze because of the dense vegetation.
139 This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest.
140 One, the copper flower, grows in dense violet clumps on the most polluted soils of all.
141 There have even been proposals to clear natural forests and replace them with dense plantations of fast-growing trees to claim extra credits.
142 Glover saw his face, dense as coal, no white blood, none of the high tones of the day.
143 These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
144 The breeze fanning in off the ocean was dense with brine and the beach was littered with debris.
145 What had been only a dense red glow when I first looked into the chamber was now a torrent of liquid flame.
146 The candles were useless in the dense smoke, and it was many minutes before we could see.
147 The supervised approach enabled urban subdivision of dense and less dense housing.
148 But they described a dense population, a vibrant economy and open grassland.
149 The text deserves careful reading, since it is comprehensive and dense with information.
150 The path wound in and out of deep ravines, through thick oak and pine forests and dense undergrowth.