preach造句31. Priests were instructed to preach against the measure.
32. I shall never preach at you again.
33. Never preach, hector or bully.
34. He was going to preach again tonight.
35. She heard Cotton preach two covenants.
36. In 1581 he was appointed to preach a sermon at St Paul's Church, London.
37. In the first place, it was quite useless to preach ready made doctrine to them.
38. Nevertheless Seymour continued to preach and testify at black missions in Houston where he eventually met a woman named Neely Terry.
39. They preyed on people who wanted some one to baptize their children and preach to them.
40. Basil did not preach on such matters; he simply set high standards for teachers to emulate.
41. In colonial times, Western missionaries would dash off to bastions of other faiths to preach the Gospel.
42. In his last years he lived in Wymondham and continued to preach in Wymondham Abbey and neighbouring parishes.
43. As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism.
44. She learned to pray at two or three, and felt chosen to preach the gospel to the heathen from eleven.
45. This is the nearest the fourth gospel gets to telling the disciples to preach to all the nations.
46. Fundamentalists preach that if one follows their rigorously prescribed route, one will be saved.
47. After a couple of years, Philip began to preach on the streets of post-Renaissance Rome.
48. Although he also continued to preach elsewhere, ill health probably curtailed his activities.
49. They had been trained at college to preach Western-style sermons based on abstract thinking arranged in linear form.
50. How couldst thou preach of heaven and hell in such a careless, sleepy manner?
51. They also permitted Catholic missionaries to preach publicly and even assigned soldiers to protect them.
52. Is it not a telling comment on our times that to preach peace is to invite violence upon your person?
52.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
53. If women were not to preach, what were those who prophesied doing?
54. Soon, he wanted to preach on personal, as compared to institutional, salvation.
55. They didn't preach to her, but they did love each other.
56. Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
57. It's too easy to inadvertently fail to practice what we preach.
58. His room mate, who was considerably older, was due to preach a sermon at St Paul's Cathedral but fell ill.
59. He could receive visitors and was allowed out of jail from time to time, even occasionally to preach in London.
60. Carey was invited to preach at the next Northamptonshire Baptist Association meeting on 30 May 1792.