autonomy造句31 Some ancient nations just wanted greater autonomy within the state.
32 However, they did find that personal service workers tended to give different answers to the questions about autonomy at work.
33 Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
34 Such a role called for financial autonomy, an independent international civil service, and collaboration between world organizations.
35 It also possesses relative autonomy, however, when they are not.
36 The 1970s were a period when the parameters of local autonomy enjoyed both by LEAs and schools were discussed.
37 It also reinforced the District's resolve to protect its constitutional autonomy within any approved scheme.
38 Give the group sufficient autonomy to carry out the task.
39 Formation of regional party bloc Five regional autonomy parties moved towards forming a political bloc under the leadership of the Lombardy League.
40 The 1990s is an era in which schools operate with considerable financial autonomy.
41 But in the late 1960s the relative autonomy of the teaching profession over the curriculum came increasingly under attack.
42 To what degree is that positive cycle of challenge and autonomy happening for you in your work now?
43 The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based.
44 Teachers can encourage children to resolve issues themselves and develop autonomy.
45 Establishing network systems, with local autonomy but statewide standards, for service. 4.
46 There are constraints-the courts provide a lot of constraints, for example-but none the less, the e is considerable autonomy in this work.
47 Even the remotest village councils felt their heavy hand, and the municipalities of Chambery and the other towns lost their autonomy.
48 It gave the character limited autonomy, and did what it could to prod Tunney into taking care of the Daine problem.
49 This in turn implies increased autonomy for assessing practitioners resulting perhaps in a new level of autonomy and new systems of accountability.
50 For the Piaroa the social can only be created through the skills and the personal autonomy of individuals.
51 In the Tokugawa period it enjoyed some autonomy, and was permitted a certain degree of self-reliance and self-government.
52 It means simply freedom from coercion by others and it is achieved when a sphere of private autonomy is created.
53 The principle of individual user autonomy was sacrosanct in the day centres generally and the Contact group in particular.
54 Move to Autonomy: Setting Limits Children who receive affection and messages of acceptance are likely to feel secure.
55 Students' personal autonomy can not be guaranteed even by the best curriculum in the world.
56 By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
57 Choice programs in schools typically have greater flexibility and autonomy than are found in traditional comprehensive high schools.
58 It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police.
59 Hierarchies implement decisions that are made by those in authority; the market gives more autonomy to individual agents.
60 It was killed by the regional autonomy legislation of 1946.