bulk造句31 It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk.
32 It's much cheaper to buy in bulk .
33 You need more bulk in your diet.
34 Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.
35 He bought rice in bulk.
36 The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate.
37 The bulk of the work has been done.
38 They added extra pages to bulk the book out.
39 She fought at the bulk that pinned her.
40 The dough will rise until it is double in bulk.
41 Local businesses are helping to bulk up school computer labs .
42 Things are usually cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
43 Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.
44 The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
45 His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.
46 The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.
47 The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.
48 I added some potatoes to the stew to bulk it out.
49 Sausages often have bread in them to bulk them out.
50 The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.
51 The great bulk of the work has now been done.
52 Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.
53 Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.
54 They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.
55 The issue is likely to bulk large at the next summit meeting.
56 The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.
57 We can bulk out the report with lots of diagrams.
58 Your money could bulk up to a fortune if you save everything you can.
59 In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up with criticizing other works.
60 The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.