comparable造句91. Quantitive analysis is made of mineral products marketing competitive capability by obtaining comparable ex-factory prices from equal price factors.
92. Play poker" thousands" of fully comparable to the magician, to become a true all-around ' Cyclops ' must practice the lascivious child, but which is also the most difficult to practice.
93. Compared with the conventional method, the reaction time was shortened but the yield was comparable.
94. Putting a 14x multiple on those earnings that's comparable to other pure play cable assets,[www.] he gets to $14.54 per share of Good NWS alone.
95. The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare... some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
96. Our attention is paid to the implicit burden, and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively.
97. Gates moved into a realm of wealth comparable to that of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, two titans of an earlier age of dynamic economic growth.
98. IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods.
99. In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable.
100. Apart from providing automatic numbering, the numbered list also aligns the contents of the items, comparable with using table syntax.
101. In this paper, we discuss speech act verbs of English and Chinese, the comparable cognitive features and the classification of the semantic structure of sentences.
102. To make net benefits from different years comparable, their present value must be computed.
103. Insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man.
104. This table is comparable to the adjacency database used by OSPF. There is a neighbor table for each protocol that EIGRP supports.
105. Her verbal behavior revealed a comparable degree of fascination and inquisitiveness: she repeatedly commented, 'This is so cool! '
106. Compared to the LCD using two glass substrates, our new device exhibits a comparable contrast ratio ( 514:1), driving voltage, and response time because of good LC alignment.
107. Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
108. In recent years, researchers in Japan discoverd the real charm of fermented food lies in its unique effect that can be comparable with drug by long-term experiments and research to it.
109. Aggregate data are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
110. i 6.1 with POWER6 processor based-servers and a new Fibre Channel Adapter can deliver performance with the DS8000 that's comparable to internal disk.
111. His team have shown they can transfer charges - in effect change the data - in around 15 nanoseconds. "That's comparable with DRAM speeds," he added.
112. You inadvertently at a corner efforts core-pulling, climbing roses should not comparable to the noble peony.
113. The sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos , the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
114. When the mean distance between water droplets or crystals is comparable to the wavelength of the electromagnetic signals, severe attenuation can occur.
115. When comparable information was presented to each eye, amblyopic eyes made only a minor contribution to binocular performance.
116. The depth in phantom or body may be comparable to the range of the electrons.
117. The Aquasar cooling system uses water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.
118. For a loss modulation where the threshold carrier density may change, the neglected term may become comparable to the retained first order small quantity.
119. A generic drug product is one that is comparable to an innovator drug product in dosageform, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.
120. Due to this 400's will be very cheap very soon and will be comparable with ATI in price vs performance.