boast造句91. He that boast of his own knowledge proclaim ignorance.
92. But somewhat perversely I take their boast as a scientific proposition: life will fill the universe.
93. Certainly Noddy and the Farmyard Muddle could not boast a better lineage.
94. Burmese men here boast of taking Hui mistresses and wives.
95. It was the enemys boast of impregnability that caused their own defeat.
96. Indeed, Zimbabwe has become a litmus test of that boast.
97. This year's festival can boast a decently long list of sponsors.
98. Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith?
99. Dairy stores could boast of the rich range of? dairy products – milk, kefir, sour acidophilus milk, ryazhenka (fermented baked milk), sour cream.
100. The latest versions are well tailored( often blended with Lycra), range in color from pastel pink to peacock blue, boast very exciting sleeve and neckline cuts and they don't cost $3.95.
101. Colour wants downy: The colour both neither of the study wants too boast eye, should not be too dim again, and ought to take downy and tonal polychromy .
102. Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world.
103. "Be able to boast that if gallantry, generosity, and fidelity were lost in the world men would be able to find them again in your own breast" (clxv).
104. Its unhurried but sophisticated citizens boast not only high incomes but also high levels of education.
105. Numerical examples demonstrate that the artificial ground shaking time histories obtained by the proposed algorithm boast high fitting precisions to the target spectrum.
106. It was adequate though and the Explorer could also boast massive cargo capacity, extensive research facilities and most importantly the ability to serve as a mobile dock for semi-independent ships.
107. Like any gift, we did not earn it, therefore we cannot boast about it.
108. Members of the bourgeoisie often boast how humane they are and attack socialism as inhumane.
109. It might seem an unlikely boast, as the special type of pistachio nut is from a tree better known as having sap which is a source of turpentine.
110. In public they have to boast about the training revolution they are supposedly leading.
111. She likes to boast about the cleverness of her child.
112. Many live in Hawaii, more than two - thirds of whose people boast on Asian or Polynesian heritage.
113. While integrated metro systems have been under consideration for many years, they have been slow to develop. Only Delhi can boast an extensive metro-rail network.
114. "Our dream, which is slowly coming to fruition, is to have our wines linked to the country's image and tourism, just like regions like Tuscany or Piemonte boast of their wines, " he said.
115. Many people like to boast about how often they use the tape.
116. And acting as agent operation " demon " while, netease has been being developed " boast swims on the west " , this game is pushed to odium is like tide after the market.
117. Impressed by the proud caterpillar's boast that she will turn into a butterfly when she grows up, a polliwog determines to watch the caterpillar very carefully and turn into a butterfly too.
118. As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.
119. I would rather die than have anyone deprive me of this boast.
120. Locals like to boast that "Abkhazia used to beat the world record on the number of secret agents per capita, " says Lavrik Mikvabia, a colonel in the Abkhaz border guard.