likewise造句121. Likewise, making the right environmental choice depends on how many times consumers reuse the bags.
122. Likewise, finite decimal expressions of unrestricted length give us nothing new, since these are just particular cases of fractions.
123. Likewise, voluntary bodies need funding to enable them to bid for contracts.
124. Circuits in computers and other control instrumentation can likewise act as unintended receivers, menacing the operation of whole manufacturing plants.
125. When I say no I feel guilty, and likewise with yes.
126. The adversarial nature of judicial and arbitral proceedings likewise assumes a bilateral model, which is especially clear in boundary determination.
127. I put on my life jacket and told the children to do likewise.
128. Heating is another danger area but, likewise, you can take preventative steps: Open fires should always have a fireguard.
129. Likewise, preventing trade saves some jobs in the protected company.
130. A number of other women on the block were likewise kind, wiping my blood with white hankies.
131. Likewise, you may be able to cut the running costs, for example with insulation.
132. Likewise, if new communities choose other, less-costly service providers, will Pima County then reduce overhead and taxes proportionately?
133. Likewise, the scare associated with the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island was blown out of proportion.
134. A similar-sized length was laid on the lid and likewise folded over the edge and tacked into place.
135. Likewise, they expressed a desire to involve parents at the centre of decision-making.
136. The School Board is writing to support this initiative, and it would be most helpful if you could do likewise.
137. Likewise, constitutional issues need to be resolved in a nonpolitical forum.
138. However, as we have seen, the Sanctus is likewise a part of the eucharistic prayer.
139. Her brother Martin, a Guardian reporter and steam-train enthusiast, did likewise.
140. Olivier turned it down flat and tried to persuade Vivien to do likewise.
141. Likewise, not having raised a single cent in campaign money seems, in retrospect, a mistake.
142. Such payment is likewise subject to a maximum prescribed by the Regulations.
143. Likewise a bronze sculpture is considered an outgrowth of the wax or plaster model from which it is cast.
144. Likewise to John Jensen, for whose brilliant illustrations this column has served as an 800-word caption.http://
145. Likewise, harsh measures to discourage illegitimacy will also have effect.
146. Likewise, important theological issues can and should be studied by communication scholars, such as how faith is communicated.
147. While most Primitive Methodists were more favourable, their Conference likewise took no notice.
148. There are likewise signs at the referral stage of closer liaison with other agencies.
149. If the algae faltered, the brilliant Shepelev would follow; or, if he succumbed, the algae would do likewise.
150. He broke into a trot and the three surprised young men did likewise, aware that something must have gone wrong.