快好知 kuaihz

121. The logical conclusion of this conceited but surprisingly widely held stance should be to declare all such people as legal minors. 122. The right brain noted something amiss ... Meanwhile, Yeremi's logical tech-side dreamed. 123. With the capability for generating endless hypotheses, an adolescent believes that what is best is what is logical. 124. Logical coherence has been gained at the expense of empirical relevance. 125. Fundamental to Frege's whole approach is the assumption that there exists an unbridgeable logical gulf between concepts and objects. 126. Collymore use the fish to push me down, the child thought, arriving at a startling but logical conclusion. 127. Again, both groups are above average in logical thinking, preferring to make decisions based on facts. 128. In order to construct an integrated theory of linguistic competence, it is essential to discover the logical ordering of components or levels. 129. The careful selection of the most logical buyers in order to reduce circulation size can therefore be a wasted effort. 130. So much modern merchandise is themed with bestselling books that it makes a logical extension to the stock profile. 131. Internet email addresses might look odd at first glance but they're really quite logical. 132. Their policies were riddled with the logical absurdities on pricing of which Gaitskell had earlier been so critical. 133. This would be the next logical progression in the organisation of caring services in Britain. 134. It results from a process of logical, deductive reasoning, unsullied by personal feelings or practicalities. 135. He was, rather, a natural driver, for whom the wheel seemed a logical extension of his hands. 136. One logical fix to this geographical mis-match is for inner-city blacks to commute out from the ghettos to the suburbs. 137. It was logical really that I should be brought from my anonymous safe house to the Hezbollah's Hay Madi barracks. 138. The columns are headed by brief statements of key activities in that stage of the project, laid out in logical order. 139. The bighorn sheep, very good to eat, was a logical source of provender in the hill country. 140. It is both logical and touching, and relieves the movie of the awkwardness apparent in the earlier efforts. 141. There is a perfectly logical reason why it seems so pointless and confusing. 142. But cognitive theories' rationalism is male-identified, drawing on dominant conceptions of the masculine nature of logical, coherent thought. 143. The hierarchy of logical systems that one obtains by the procedure that I have described above is characterized by computable ordinal numbers. 144. There is little logical difference, then between 16 workstations on a local network and a chassis with 16 processors. 145. It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces. 146. The exaltation of emotion and intuition above logical reasoning can readily disentangle them from any such disciplinary anchorage. 147. Mr. Portillo I believe that 25 percent. is the right logical discount for single people. 148. There is an assumption that conversational discourse is symmetrical and logical. 149. In theoretical physics, the search for logical self-consistency has always been more important in making advances than experimental results. 150. It is by definition a complex object, and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements.