aggression造句61 However, the level of aggression by fans to each other was evident during and after the game.
62 We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying.Brene Brown
63 It includes innate male aggression and, as recognised by some ethologists, an emphasis on instinctive territoriality.
64 As our older generation knows from experience, unchecked aggression against a small nation is a prelude to international disaster.
65 Boys, by and large, express their aggression in physical assault.
66 Fish have a constant supply of varied foodstuffs, and there is room to avoid aggression.
67 The role of women in fomenting male aggression is, I now believe, marginal, even irrelevant.
68 Typical examples are attacks on postmen or aggression towards an owner when a toy or other item is removed from them.
69 In fact, hip hop and body pop aren't so much concerned with pure aggression as with survival.
70 He was a great believer in expressing aggression, not bottling it up.
71 Whatever the cause, aggression in a child can tax us to our limits.
72 Verbal aggression is more likely to occur than physical aggression in groups whose members come from middle- or upper-income families.
73 Teenagers often make inappropriate responses to conflicts such as aggression, withdrawing, sulking, tantrums or destructive behaviour.
74 Liquid Valium Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that differs from related states such as fear, aggression, and confusion.
75 Once again Lewis's inability to produce a consistently dangerous level of aggression was exposed.
76 By then Saddam's regime was known throughout the world for its brutality and aggression.
77 Eisenhower and Dulles saw such an outcome as a victory for Communist aggression and a failure of containment.
78 Aggression and violence can escalate when jealousy and envy grow in a competitive atmosphere.
79 It sometimes happens that yearling or two-year-old colts show signs of aggression, and treat people like an inferior horse.
80 Rather, it typically involves acts of aggression towards players and officials, or over-exuberant celebratory activity including the vandalism of property.
81 Women like Elinor refused to channel their aggression in the direction of household germs.
82 With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.
83 Do you suppose he has to accuse us of aggression and pull out all stops on cheap emotionalism?
84 Abbas Mirza, the heir to the Persian throne, was not to be dissuaded from aggression.
85 Wars are not really acts of aggression and defense, for we must recognize a difference between proximate and true causes.
86 To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
87 The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated, thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm.
88 It can also - though by no means always - result in a similar egotism and aggression.
89 We sense that their postures represent mixtures of the human emotions of fear and aggression.
90 Howarth had a disconcerting glimpse of the barely controlled aggression beneath the mask of casual good humour.