supportive造句181 The value creation of enterprise is a three-dimensional structure, including the component ability in business, structure ability in supportive level and dynamic capability in development.
182 The astrocyte is the important gliocyte, having supportive and protective functions to neurons in the brain.
183 When the muscularity that tall flexibility should bring to bear on to go up in mattess namely, mattess should drop more and produce more supportive power to human body, vice versa.
184 And the most important of all: she is supportive. So that if her kid gets into a fight, even if it is with a higher-ranking individual, she will not hesitate to go in and help.
185 When the Iraqi government took over formal control of Basra Province from the British military on Sunday, the Americans put out a congratulatory and supportive press release.
186 Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans, quietly supportive and awaiting his return, whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal.
187 There are other very supportive tones in the other articles from the Mineral Kingdom.
188 Private sector economists are supportive of the U.S.- China economic dialogue, which they believe will deepen the bi-lateral relationship and possibly prevent misunderstandings and conflict.
189 Exports are supported by corn and soybean programs that are off to a good start, and a landed price advantage into Asia over the PNW with freight spread that has been supportive.
190 Conversely any indication that a rate hike may be in prospect will be AUD supportive.
191 Based on CT findings, the patients were dealt with supportive and conservative treatment (55 cases, 81%), thoracentesis (9 cases, 13%) and closed thoracic drainage (4 cases, 6%).
192 The climate was permissive, supportive, and approving of mind control experimentation.
193 These improvements involve new Filters Generation Module, new Hardware Algorithm Supportive Interface, the refinement on the Statistics Collection and Query(STAT) Module and the console.
194 Happier people tend to have good families, friends and supportive relationships , say Diener and Biswas - Diener.
195 Doctors found the cleome a glioma a gruff growth in the supportive tissue of the brain.
196 The approaches for the sustainable growth of agriculture in China include operational approach and supportive approach.
197 Psychotherapy in FC patients consists of supportive treatment, cognitive behavior therapy, biofeedback therapy and drug treatment.
198 Find like minded people - and develop powerful, supportive and energising relationships.
199 For large, acute overdoses, treat symptomatically and institute usual supportive measures as required.
200 If someone is supportive individually but becomes antagonistic or noncommittal in a later "big meeting," you can always tactfully refresh their memory about an earlier favorable position.
201 IP network management mode of electric power enterprises is the important foundation for realizing integrated information system and constructing manageable basic supportive platform.
202 Treatment is supportive for patients with neuro-invasive West Nile virus, often involving hospitalization, intravenous fluids, respiratory support, and prevention of secondary infections.
203 You'll leak at embarrassing moments, and you may be on the receiving end of less than supportive comments from ignorant co-workers.
204 The new NPA includes 18 major goals, 55 supportive indicators and 66 strategic measures.
205 Objectives:To compare the effect of media on the growth of Bacteroides forsythus ATCC43037 and find a supportive growth medium for it.
206 Using supportive devices, such as a cane, wearing energy-absorbing shoes or inserts, or wearing a brace or knee sleeve can be helpful.
207 Coastal towns like Barranquilla were more supportive of innovative and imaginative literature.
208 Your are an amazingly thoughtful, personable, supportive and caring person to your friends.
209 Broadcast network uses technology of digital shift TV, supportive shift is received.
210 Enlarging supportive allotment of the expense, strengthening the building of contingent, realizing the modernization of technical means in editorship at all.